Should I harvest when the trichomes are amber?

Hi! I grow 2 cbd plants I though I should harvest one when the trichomes are cloudy (for day use) and harvest one when 70% of it is amber for better sleep for my mom. Have anyone tried it before? Is it different when we grow cbd? Thx
it's CBD, it's not going to get you high day or night. harvest when buds look done and trichs are milky
That's a great question!

I know when to harvest for optimum THC efficacy (for my wife and I), but I've never had the need or reason to seek out how CBD works relative to harvesting, and if there's a difference like there is with THC.

I'm going to watch this thread.
Can you recommend a very sedating cbd strain ?
I grow swiss dream cbd now 7% cbd 0.25 thc from kannabia/tatanka pure cbd is a good one too thats my next strain its around 12-13% cbd with less than 0.25% thc from royalequeenseeds another good one is which is the best but its not legal here is solomatic cbd 1% thc and up to 21%cbd!!! from RQS