Should I have weed sent to me in the mail?

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Active Member
If you do decide to mail weedz i have some advice for you. First off i would only use FEDEX. Its a private owned company and has no government employees. Therefore they are less nosey. Iam sure you know but wrap the heck out of it, so it doesnt even smell, wash your hands between each wraping. Also pick where you decide to send it from. Some of the small shipping stores are not owned by fedex and if the employees there see any suspicion of anything they might open your package in hopes of finding marijauna or something else. Their mentality is if you are sending drugs and they take them what is anyone gonna do about it , call the police? Anyways when i mail weedz through FEDEX i actually go to their direct main office and do it from there. It goes straight on a truck and doesnt sit in some shady store for hours on end. I hope this help. and also i am from cali so i dont know the laws or way your FEDEX works. Just do not use the U.S. postal service.


Well-Known Member
You need to know one thing..sending through post is a federal issue..they may seize..seize with be a "good boy" letter or you may get bent over the desk... depends on amounts.... grams,basic xmas card envelope... but as I posted.. pizza boxes have been seen...if you can take the rush........


Well-Known Member
Its pretty simple....i've heard of anywhere from a few 1/8ths to to half o's to full o's being mailed.

Just double/tripple bag the stuff, put it at the bottom of a coffee can, and your good to go.

Or peanut butter jar.

Also if you know of an address that you no longer live, you can have it shipped their.

Or maybe give your buddy's address and tell him you are gonna be out of town and have a package coming.

I mean sure its a little fucked...but i'm sure it'll take much heat off you.

But the key is to mask as much odor as possible. Less odor masked = fail.

I would trust fedex, but pretty much any carrier will get the job done. Bottom of a peanut butter jar or coffee can.


oh you can also double/tripple bag, and burry the buds underneath rice.


rice absorbs moisture and odor.

I highly doubt you'll get in much trouble over an 1/8-1Oz....but if its in the lbs...good luck to you. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the advice, folks... especially the bits about using FedEx/private carrier and the smell hiding methods, etc.

I think I'm going to go ahead and do this. Driving to get it is not an option considering it would take 10 days round trip. I tried growing this season, and hurricane whatever-the-f-it's-name-was flooded my girls just as they were starting to bloom big. So here I am...

The way I see it, this isn't much riskier then growing. I mean, shit happens... but people have been busted growing before too. You never know... lightning hits your house when your not there and the fire chief finds the stash, etc. etc. From what I can tell people both grow and ship weed all the time. A small amount of risk comes with the territory.

I happen to live in a state that is decriminalized for under 1/2 oz. But if I lived in a state with "harsh" cannabis laws, that wouldn't stop me from toking. The way I see it, if you want to live your own life you have to be willing to accept whatever consequences come.

So... here goes nuthin'!



Active Member
Look into how Moroccan hash is packaged. They package it so it can be shipped all over the world. They don't do anything as sophisticated as vacuum sealing, but there is some sort of a powder they put over the package before completion. It can be done, make sure whoever sends it does wrap it and de-odorize it well.


Active Member
i think there should be elite levels of officer hierarchy on riu. So that , if, for example, you couldnt find any dealers in your area but you want to support local farmers. Obviously there are farmers everywhere growing dank crops, but there needs to be some sort a way they can get in touch with eachother and communicate, not to deal crops, but more to discuss similar ideas and spread information. This sort of thing would give the law student a safeway of getting intouch with local farmers. Or for example, once users feel a member has enough credibility on the site, then the member can then gain access to cerrtain local growing areas.

wow. i dont know if any of that made sense...but it was attempt at what i feel was a good idea. or maybe something similar to this exists...? or i might be completely off subject and blowin up your thread by mistake.


Well-Known Member
I have done mail order before and I have not had any issues. It is also pretty convenient. I will tell you that I would never create a post that suggests that I was thinking of receiving a package or considering a package. Mailing illegals is a federal offense which super-seeds your state laws. Be careful and in the future, create friends on RIU and send them personal messages instead of posting it publicly.


Well-Known Member
I'm not worried about the publicity. Sure, mailing weed is a federal crime. But growing is also a federal crime just as much as it is a state crime, so technically everyone here should "never create a post" by your logic. Correct me if I'm wrong... I'm not trying to be disagreeable.

Plus, I use Tor (to randomize my IP address, changing it weekly, sometimes daily). The feds have just as much incentive to track down any grower here as to track me down, and there are probably much easier and time-worthy folks to track down. With the Tor running, I'm not even sure they could track me down... it would be hella hard at the least.

I have done mail order before and I have not had any issues. It is also pretty convenient. I will tell you that I would never create a post that suggests that I was thinking of receiving a package or considering a package. Mailing illegals is a federal offense which super-seeds your state laws. Be careful and in the future, create friends on RIU and send them personal messages instead of posting it publicly.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any knowledge about how risky this is (from experience). I would like to know what sort of chance I'm taking.

My connect quit smoking b/c he burned out. He wasn't a dealer... just a friend who had a friend. Anyway, he gave me his friend's address, this lady from who he used to get his weed. She is willing to send me an oz. in the mail. I'm bone dry, have no connects, plus at $250/oz. for high grade its a really good deal.

I just don't know if I should take the risk. My former connect did it for years with no problems. But an oz. across state lines... I don't even want to know what kind of sentence that shit can bring down on you. Probably could ruin my fucking career (I'm currently in law school).

What do you think... should I go for it or not?
Don't send that much, 5 grams max in a standard mailer. Vacuum seal the buds twice. It will go through every time. And will be too small amount to really prosecute anyone. If the mailman finds it he will most likely pocket it not report it. :wink:

You could send the oz but that would require a package, might be ok since we are nearing x-mas and there will be LOTS of packages mailed. Send a pair of shoes and put it inside one of them. Put crumpled up paper in the other. Same deal vacuum seal it twice.

Hope I could help, its always nice to get some special mail you know :peace:


Active Member
I wouldnt do it bud. ask around there has to be someone local who can hook u up! Theres always a friend of a friend who can get their hands on some


Well-Known Member
I might as well report that everything went fine.

My friend vacuum sealed the goods, and there was no scent at all. Sent UPS. Arrived fine. Once I broke the seal though, ... damn... that stink filled the room. Of course vac sealing is absolutely essential.

He actually said he uses Postal Service, b/c with commercial carriers sometimes the goods go missing and the package arrives empty! Looks like the US Government is the most reliable weed delivery service. LOL. He still sent commercial carrier for me, b/c I requested it (after the advice I got here).

I got a quarter each of:
Sweet Tooth
Sensi Star

(He threw an extra quarter in for me!)

I have never had a named strain before, so I'm in heaven. The BB actually smells like blueberrys if you ask me... I mean, not exactly, but there is the hint of it. The trainwreck is like some nasty chemical smell... but that shit will fuck you up.

Hell yeah!



Well-Known Member
I might as well report that everything went fine.

My friend vacuum sealed the goods, and there was no scent at all. Sent UPS. Arrived fine. Once I broke the seal though, ... damn... that stink filled the room. Of course vac sealing is absolutely essential.

He actually said he uses Postal Service, b/c with commercial carriers sometimes the goods go missing and the package arrives empty! Looks like the US Government is the most reliable weed delivery service. LOL. He still sent commercial carrier for me, b/c I requested it (after the advice I got here).

I got a quarter each of:
Sweet Tooth
Sensi Star

(He threw an extra quarter in for me!)

I have never had a named strain before, so I'm in heaven. The BB actually smells like blueberrys if you ask me... I mean, not exactly, but there is the hint of it. The trainwreck is like some nasty chemical smell... but that shit will fuck you up.

Hell yeah!


NO MOM talk on this site. whoops.

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