Should i order this strain


Active Member
hey guys i was looking at auto Pakistan Ryder off attitude seed bank and im wondering if anyone knows anything about this strain or has ever grown it and is it worth to order.


Active Member
lol secret as in you still live with the parents and dont wantem to find or secret as in you live alone and dont wanna take a chance having some friends rip you off?


Active Member
o ok bro i was gonna say its kinda hard to hide a grow from the parents...that cool that your cool with your ma, im the same way with my dad, we grew together when i was like 20 or some shit, now im married and my dads the only one knos bout my grow, i havent even showed him but NONE of my friends kno and its gonna stay that way lol..........but anyways i dont have any experience growin autos, but ive heard lots of good stuff bout the attitude....


Active Member
plus i live ina medical state (wife has her card) and my dad has his card but dont grow, i keep tryin to talk him into it instead of wasting his money on the shit lol....


Active Member
I just harvested an autoflower, got an ounce. Low yeilds but fast grow, usually 60 to 80 days from seed to harvest, depending on strain of course. If you go auto, I recomend using lights 24/7, they love the lights.