You can ignore the second part of my reply. It's only if you have a lot of plants. Burying hardly rooted rockwool in soil isn't exactly transplanting. Anyway.. yeah... you can turn on the lights on now if you don't check em often. I only suggested that just to save a little electricity but if you have a heater and problem with keeping temps up then sure go ahead turn that light onAs they are autoflowering I keep reading that they should be planted straight into main pot with no transplanting at all.... I have no Rockwool currently. So you suggest plant them but only add light once they break ground. So can I ask... Plant them but keep temps higher for now, then when they break ground, add light and bring temps down to mid 70's?
Yeah def turn the lights on. Don't worry too much over it lolI have a heater in the grow room so can push temps up to 120 degrees if I wanted so no problems with temps exactly. It's currently about 85 degrees in there for germination. I'd Planned on turning the heat down once the light was switched on as I'd heard best temps for flowering were mid 70's? I'll be checking twice a day except for this wed and thurs as I'll be away with work so can only check wed morn and thurs eve... Typical.
So what are the seeds in right now? If the answer is paper towel, shot glass or something similar then you need to plant those asap. The longer that tail gets the higher the chances are that you will damage it when planting. Don't over think things, they are seeds which in nature sprout directly from the ground, just saying. I do follow a germination routine but have never had tails longer than a 1/2 inch before they hit the dirt. Mid 70's is fine for germing/sprouting and growing lol. I threw some seeds I made directly in the ground and had 40-50* nights and a week later had sprouts. Prolly about 80% success. We did have some warm days to though. I am not reconmending this but I wanted to see if it would work and it did. I planted them mid May and people here don't plant their gardens till the first week of june.
Good luck!!! What kinda of Autos are they?
[QUOTE="shiva, post: 11660130, member: 2643" Sounds as though like me, you may be in the UK? They are White Widow feminised....
I am just a hop, skip and jump across the Atlantic in New Brunswick, Canada! I've grown a few WWA from Pyramid the last two summers outside. Trying some new autos and 3 photos outside this year.