Should I start 1 week flush? (Pics included)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone should I start to flush these plants for a week they are growing in coco coir I think the last photo could go another week maybe as the pistils are still sticking out straight. Ill be going to pick up a magnifying glass tomorrow to have a look at the trichomes kinda looking for the couch lock effect so I know most of them have to be a amber colour. It the start of week 8 tomorrow it's shiva skunk from sensi seeds.



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone should I start to flush these plants for a week they are growing in coco coir I think the last photo could go another week maybe as the pistils are still sticking out straight. Ill be going to pick up a magnifying glass tomorrow to have a look at the trichomes kinda looking for the couch lock effect so I know most of them have to be a amber colour. It the start of week 8 tomorrow it's shiva skunk from sensi seeds.

You are covering two marijuana myths in one post.

1. Amber trichomes are not at all desirable. Amber means the THC has degraded and turned into CBD. CBD can make you feel ill. It is not the effect you want. The "amber trichomes make a couch lock high" is a myth. When I see any amber, I am ready to pick.

2. Flushing will not make for better weed. I grow in coco and feed normally until the day I pick. If you cure properly you will not have black ash or bad taste. Flushing is for those who have over fed.

Your plants might be a bit over fed (curled leaves - could be temp issues, not fert), but I would just lower the amount of fert used instead of stressing them with plain water. Coco is inert. You can't grow a plant in it with out nutes. If you water in coco with out nutes, you will stress your plants.

I ramp down the fert towards the end.

Plain water in coco will stress your plants.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit that long. Do you think they will fatten up anymore this is my first grow thought they would be ready by the end of week 8 mark but suppose there just guidelines.


Well-Known Member
Hey trousers Yeah the leaves curling is the temps it's got above 32c a few days and making some my buds foxtail and its only the leaves at the top of the plant. How long before chop would you recommend to lower the feedings? The light also fell at beginning week 6 some leaves got burnt


Well-Known Member
Your tips are burnt. You are over feeding right now. Check the ppm of your nutes going in and then check the ppm of the runoff. The runoff should be lower than the nutes going in.

I am on my last coco run (going back to organic soil) with the Lucas Formula 6/9.
Currently I am using less than half strength at about week 5. I will be using about 25% or less towards the end.


Well-Known Member
I currently don't have a ppm meter I'm going to get magnifying glass tomorrow so probably wise to pick a ppm meter I've been feeding with ionic at full strength friend of mine used it and told me to start quarter and work way up to full strength obviously not correct info if you are at week 5 and using less than half strength think ill be reading up for a while before next grow thanks for your help!


Well-Known Member
Fert is just like laundry soap. They want you to use way too much.

You can get a ppm meter for pretty cheap on ebay, but if you can get one in a store now you might be better of.

I would recommend ramping your feeding down right now. I usually mix a batch at 1/2 strength and then a batch of PHd water with calmag (I have an RO filter). Then I mix down the fert with the PHd water.

All that work is reason number 57 why I am going back to organic soil.


Well-Known Member
Im going to try find a cheap one soon as possible closest place to me has them but they are 3 in one meters for £180 bit expensive. If the ppms higher than what's going in would you recommend to flush it with half strength nutrients or just cut back to half without a flush if I have been over feeding sorry if its a noobie question going to need to read up some more before next grow or try a simple soil grow. Hope this makes sense got some of that amnesia haze hardly comes round my bit had a few fat bowls stuffs strong!


Well-Known Member
I would cut back to half strength and see how they react, especially the new growth.
I am in the States and got a ppm meter on ebay for about $12 USD.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'll cut back to half strength only 2 plants have burnt leaves other 2 plants seem to be doing fine ill post some better pictures up when my lights come on hope I've not fucked up too much was getting excited for first harvest. But yeah thanks for your help trousers


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm going to get one tomorrow haven't had the chance yet to go the shop for one in the mean time I've cut back to half strength


Well-Known Member
Looks like a few weeks left. I'd be cutting way back on the nutes now. Don't flush your plants. If anything give them water only the last week. Nice job they look great!


Well-Known Member
Hey zack thanks for the comment glad someone thinks I'm doing ok lol. Ill slightly lower the nutes tomorrow again I'm mixing 3,5ml to every litre of water and there drinking about 6 litres each in 20l pots every 3 days usually get about 25% run off. I'm going to put a few pictures of my other 2 plants up tomorrow I think they look better than the 2 plants I posted pictures up of. Sorry I'm rambling on now got some of that amnesia haze hardly comes around here in the uk strong stuff that lol