well here's the deal. When you have that many plants, at a foot tall before flower, especially if your doing Low-Stress-Training, those 600s won't cut it without light movers. Try it out... if you're going to do 30 plants that means 15 under each, hang up your light and try putting 15 pots under it just to get an idea. It can be done, but you will be moving plants around constantly, because I have to do the same thing myself and i'm running 800 more watts than you will be. I don't mean any disrespect to the folks that are saying it is possible, because it might be, but not without light movers, or you moving the pots on the daily. If I were in your situation i would do a little mach-setup just to get an idea of what you are working with. In a SOG set up, you want an even canopy so if you're sticking with indica you'll be good. But if you're going to practice LST in your room, this further limits your space as LST widens your plants canopy. I hope i have helped rather than further confused you, but i'm sure you will get it if you really put your all into it and don't cut corners. These are the issues that every grower deals with when starting a new grow. Good luck and hit me up if you need any other help and i'd be glad to if I can. Respect