Should i start nutes????


I am new to growing just was wondering if i should start feeding my plant some nutes ,its about a month and 2 weeks, this baby has been growning fine just been giving it water... How long should i wait before i give it nutes.



Active Member
First off. What kind of soil is she growing in? If its a miracle grow soil it already has nutes in it. And will not need any extra help for months. If its just a regular soil. Then she is old enough to start. My personal fave is Liqiud seaweed, and fish emulsion. Great combo. For me any way. looks great. And welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
you can start nutes if you want.. start out with a 1/4 strength dose tho... you need to let your plants get used to them... slowly start increasing the amount after that... keep on eye on them tho so you dont nute burn them.. i personally feed every other water so that my girls can use up everything available before they get more... if its growing fine without them and you dont have any start to any deficiencies then you dont need to start feeding them tho.. it'll help but isnt needed... its your call really... imho i would start tho.. itll help growth..

good luck


First off. What kind of soil is she growing in? If its a miracle grow soil it already has nutes in it. And will not need any extra help for months. If its just a regular soil. Then she is old enough to start. My personal fave is Liqiud seaweed, and fish emulsion. Great combo. For me any way. looks great. And welcome to RIU

I used scotts potting soil and it says it has nutes for 3 months but was wondering if i can start putting some liquid nutes in to increase growth time..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes go ahead a 1/4strength and work up.remember to check your ph after you mix up your nutes and check your runout every once in awhile like ever 2 weeks.