Hello. I really need some help to figure out if I overwatered it or messed up something else.
12L pot
100w LED
I'm a first time grower, but the plant doesn't look promising judging from what I've seen from different grow diaries, their plants look far bigger than mine.
I believe my problem was caused by overwatering-- I'm not watering since 4 days, but I did once a day for 4 days since sprout because I'm stupid and didn't understand the basics properly. The cause could still be another so I'm asking you for help.
Can It recover? Should I start over completely? I planted on 6th of August and it sprouted on the 8th, it's now the 17th and it doesn't look right to me but i could be wrong.
The picture under the LED light is from DAY 4, the growth was not bad at the time but I think I overwatered it that day and it slowed it's growth. The other pic is current (day 9)
Sorry if the the Day 4 pic looks bad but it's the best I've got, tell me if you need more.

12L pot
100w LED
I'm a first time grower, but the plant doesn't look promising judging from what I've seen from different grow diaries, their plants look far bigger than mine.
I believe my problem was caused by overwatering-- I'm not watering since 4 days, but I did once a day for 4 days since sprout because I'm stupid and didn't understand the basics properly. The cause could still be another so I'm asking you for help.
Can It recover? Should I start over completely? I planted on 6th of August and it sprouted on the 8th, it's now the 17th and it doesn't look right to me but i could be wrong.
The picture under the LED light is from DAY 4, the growth was not bad at the time but I think I overwatered it that day and it slowed it's growth. The other pic is current (day 9)
Sorry if the the Day 4 pic looks bad but it's the best I've got, tell me if you need more.