Should I start over? very slow growth (day 9) [AUTO]

Hello. I really need some help to figure out if I overwatered it or messed up something else.

12L pot
100w LED

I'm a first time grower, but the plant doesn't look promising judging from what I've seen from different grow diaries, their plants look far bigger than mine.
I believe my problem was caused by overwatering-- I'm not watering since 4 days, but I did once a day for 4 days since sprout because I'm stupid and didn't understand the basics properly. The cause could still be another so I'm asking you for help.

Can It recover? Should I start over completely? I planted on 6th of August and it sprouted on the 8th, it's now the 17th and it doesn't look right to me but i could be wrong.
The picture under the LED light is from DAY 4, the growth was not bad at the time but I think I overwatered it that day and it slowed it's growth. The other pic is current (day 9)
Sorry if the the Day 4 pic looks bad but it's the best I've got, tell me if you need more.




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Ease off the watering a bit. Best practice I've found is to determine water needs based on weight. If she's just been watered give her a couple days and check how heavy she is vs today. When she is about half the weight water again. Where she is small, right now she doesn't need much. You could probably get away with just misting right now. How big is her pot? Even a half a cup of water could be too much for her right now.
Ease off the watering a bit. Best practice I've found is to determine water needs based on weight. If she's just been watered give her a couple days and check how heavy she is vs today. When she is about half the weight water again. Where she is small, right now she doesn't need much. You could probably get away with just misting right now. How big is her pot? Even a half a cup of water could be too much for her right now.

I started directly in the final pot of 12L since it's an auto and from what I've read it wasn't worth transplanting it, especially for a first timer.
Will she be stunted from 3-4 days of overwater? If I do it correctly from now on is it worth it to keep her and will she grow just fine? this is my major concern cause I have 2 other seeds and if it's gonna get me 10g of dry bud i'm just gonna start over since I can only have one plant at once.

Edit : Do you also know what's up with the discolored leaves tips? I've read it could be from water droplets that fell on the leaves and dried out-- wondering if it's some sort of deficiency but i don't think that happens at seedling stage. Also the stem is half purple from the bottom and green on top.
She may have stunted a little, I don't feel it would be enough to call for her demise.
It's a little harder with the bigger planter... can you put a dowel rod down close to her root zone? Use it kinda like a dip stick? That should let you keep an eye on moisture right beside her, at least till she gets bigger.
What kind of "soil"? 100w led... it's a blurple... what brand? How far above you're seedling is it?
The jury is still out on transplanting autos. If it's done early enough, and gentle enough, I don't think they'd notice the difference, but that is a difficult thing to judge for newer growers So most avoid it for simplicity.
You do have new growth from day 4 to day 9. It is where she should be? Not really, but the next two weeks will really tell. The discoloration on the leaves I wouldn't be too concerned with, more than likely just sprouting pains.
The Purpling of the stem, can indicate a magnesium deficiency or light stress. Or it could be genetic. This young I wouldn't think deficiency.
I don’t see a problem with that plant at this point. I had almost the exact question on this forum during my first grow. The advice I got was I was impatient and to wait.

That was the right advice. Every plant is different and this one might be focusing on building out its roots. There are late bloomers just like people. I don’t think yours is exceptionally slow if we are measuring by the day you started germinating the seed. I‘m not sure what diaries you were looking at but keep in mind “day 1” is different for different people. I start from the day I germinate. Some people start from the day they pop and 2 or 3 days can make a big difference in the size of a seedling.
Autos or photos at this point it wouldn't matter. Right now he needs to learn patience, and self control. His biggest threat is over loving his seedling.
Thanks for the replies guys, you are right. im gonna be more patient and if it really doesn't seem to grow in 2 weeks i'll kill it and take a look if the roots didn't grow properly or something.

Dude, forget frigging autos. You’re starting the learning process as to why. It won’t start growing until it has a real root system established. You’ve got a long wait.
Instead go photos.
I'll follow your advice and go photos next.

She may have stunted a little, I don't feel it would be enough to call for her demise.
It's a little harder with the bigger planter... can you put a dowel rod down close to her root zone? Use it kinda like a dip stick? That should let you keep an eye on moisture right beside her, at least till she gets bigger.
What kind of "soil"? 100w led... it's a blurple... what brand? How far above you're seedling is it?
The jury is still out on transplanting autos. If it's done early enough, and gentle enough, I don't think they'd notice the difference, but that is a difficult thing to judge for newer growers So most avoid it for simplicity.
You do have new growth from day 4 to day 9. It is where she should be? Not really, but the next two weeks will really tell. The discoloration on the leaves I wouldn't be too concerned with, more than likely just sprouting pains.
The Purpling of the stem, can indicate a magnesium deficiency or light stress. Or it could be genetic. This young I wouldn't think deficiency.

Ok so the light is a cheap one from Amazon 80$-65€ (I know..I know...) but at this point it cannot be a light problem correct? seedlings don't need much anyway I presume.The light is 19inches-50cm above it.

I don’t see a problem with that plant at this point. I had almost the exact question on this forum during my first grow. The advice I got was I was impatient and to wait.

That was the right advice. Every plant is different and this one might be focusing on building out its roots. There are late bloomers just like people. I don’t think yours is exceptionally slow if we are measuring by the day you started germinating the seed. I‘m not sure what diaries you were looking at but keep in mind “day 1” is different for different people. I start from the day I germinate. Some people start from the day they pop and 2 or 3 days can make a big difference in the size of a seedling.

Day 1 is since sprouting and showing the first cotyledon leaves, however they were still bent and not going towards the light for like a day.

Anyway new (shitty)pic, some little growth on the second set of leaves.
For example look at this guy at day 10 and day 3, completely different from mine:
I know i'm just being anxious but just wanted to share the diaries i've looked at. Anyway I'll wait and see and keep the thread updated for people with the same doubts as me.


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Day 1 is since sprouting and showing the first cotyledon leaves, however they were still bent and not going towards the light for like a day.

I would agree then that it’s a little slow, but bottom line if it looks healthy I would show some patience. Take the first run as a learning experience. If it survives you will still wind up with a decent amount of weed. I f’d up everything in that first grow and still got close to a couple ounces. Every single grow since has been better In terms of yield.
A green plant is a growing plant. Give it time. Maybe the environment isnt optimized or the strain isn't as vigorous or speedy as the other person's. Either way plants will adjust as long as you don't kill them with too much water or salts.
Looks like you're doing Okay. Just DON"T PANIC! Relax and let the girl grow her way. Don't Hover over her. Let her breath 'til the Fifth Node.
On one of my last runs, the runt turned out to be the best of the three. Just have patience and keep it green. It may surprise you.

Me too. I left this pineapple kush for dead. This picture is 15 days after popping.


It actually has some issues in that I put it in the flood table too early before roots were showing. The plug was waterlogged and the roots weren’t making it out. Basically it was suffocating. We carefully ripped open the rapid rooter to get them some air.

About 70 days later we had this


4 ounces of super dense buds on that plant and best stuff I’ve grown to date. Don’t panic is always good advice. That’s why it’s in my signature.
Me too. I left this pineapple kush for dead. This picture is 15 days after popping.

View attachment 4968354

It actually has some issues in that I put it in the flood table too early before roots were showing. The plug was waterlogged and the roots weren’t making it out. Basically it was suffocating. We carefully ripped open the rapid rooter to get them some air.

About 70 days later we had this

View attachment 4968357

4 ounces of super dense buds on that plant and best stuff I’ve grown to date. Don’t panic is always good advice. That’s why it’s in my signature.

Damn that's actually crazy wtf. 4 ounces from that seedling? Is that LST ? would you recommend on an auto?
Damn that's actually crazy wtf. 4 ounces from that seedling? Is that LST ? would you recommend on an auto?

yeah once it established it was ridiculous. It was like it was on steroids or I rolled it in radioactive waste and it gained super powers. Branches could barely support the buds. I’m using a scrog on that one, but I don’t think that’s why it turned out so well. TBH its probably just genetics. It did give me some real warm fuzzies for royal queen seeds. I’m doing a royal gorilla from them now.

As far as LST I don’t think it has anything to do with whether it’s an auto. Some strains are allegedly better with LST than others, but I don’t see why you couldn’t do it on pretty much any plant. I like setting up a scrog and using that to guide how I manipulate the plant. it’s kind of like paint by numbers LST in that the scrog kind of tells you where to bend. I‘m not an expert on this by any means, but I’ve learned a lot in a year and a half.

Fwiw I would stay away from autos. They add nothing except relieving you of the decision on when to change to a 12/12 light cycle, and if you can’t make that kind of easy decision this hobby isn’t for you. Autos also kind of box you in to a timeline. If that pineapple kush was an auto that started flowering in its 4th week it it wouldn’t have had time to recover. Photos give you an option to flower on your own schedule.

Good luck with your grow. Just try to get some decent smoke out of it, figure out what you did wrong and do better next time.