Should I stop giving nutrients before a week and a half before harvest??


Well-Known Member
You only need nitrogen the first few weeks of flower for new stem/leaf grow then you don't really need???
You need N as long as the plant is alive, just at reduced levels after the stretch. The plant needs a balanced nutrient mix right up until it gets cut. Every notice what fades first when a plant is flushed? It's not the buds, it's the leaves, all those stored reserves in those leaves are getting pushed to the flowers that are still maturing... so much for "flushed" bud.


Active Member
Don't flush them. You can reduce the nutrients. I've done both. Flushed, not flushed. Pissed every time I flush. It just turns your leaves yellow.

I usually drop the Calimagic after about 4 weeks of bloom.

They look pretty. Good luck with the harvest and cure.


Active Member
Greetings, ideally you want to cut the N to 0 last 10-14 days.

This is where newbies get lost, the finish. Not cutting N and or chopping early leads to green swamp smells and 'Will the smell come back during cure.' you want to use part b only or something like cannazym that is 0-1-2 or some sheet.

You bought that FF, use it. The sulphur will add flavor color.
Later you will see you can do it with out the FF.
Cool..I plan on harvesting 11 days after giving it my last batch of nutes..I want those buds real dense from the dyna-gro bloom