Should I take plants for free with bugs...


Active Member
My cousin has just gone to jail (Not for growing weed) and has 10 plants with allot of white bugs on them, I have a setup in my house do you think I should take them they are still in veg but have allot and allot of bugs on them he said hes used spray to try get rid of them but they just wont go away?


Well-Known Member
do you have plants of your own at the moment? you wouldnt want to take in orphans that were sick and have them infect your own children would you?

but if you dont have your own plants and you think you can controll the infestation then i say go ahead and adopt, otherwise just let em go


Active Member
Nope I dont, I have seeds I was going to start or I was going to get some clones from my mate or use these plants from my cousin, this is my first grow so I dont know the first thing about controlling them do you think I should go with the seeds or clones or the plants ?


Well-Known Member
i say start from seed for the experience, or get some rooted clones if your mate will give em out cheap/free to save your self a bit of time

you really dont want to have your first grow go to shit because of someone elses mistakes


Well-Known Member
IMO I would not take those plants into your own setup unless you can be sure of clearing out the bug infestation completely first. You do not want to contaminate your area under any circumstances. Get some pics up of the bugs and someone here will know what they are and the best way to remove them.


Active Member
Im going to get some clones from my mate and put my cousins plants in the bin!

I have 2 600 watt lights, air input fan and output fan inside a 200x240x120 tent, do you think it will get hot?

thanks parttimer also


Well-Known Member
is that tent size in inches i suppose?

2 600s would be overkill and cause too much heat in that space. 1 should suffice


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've got aphids buddy, two indispensable words for you before your babies start to flower: Lady Bugs. That is all.