should i tip when a pizza takes 1.5 hours at 2pm?


New Member
Drag him behind the house, beat him haf to death, take his money, run to Vegas, spend it on blackjack and hookers. Flee to Mexico when money runs out and make your living as a male prostitute. Not for other males, that shit is disgusting and should be prosecuted by law, but to pets and ranch animals. Build up a name on the amateur stock fucking circuit, become world-renowned, and run for president of some third world country. Win the election, legalize and mass produce weed, and import to other third world countries. A short time later, you shall see a burning bush, fuck it. Fuck it hard. Don't stop until that bush knows who its daddy is. Then visit an emergency ward for third degree penis burns.


Staff member
well you have to think 2am is bar rush time so the resturant is probably really full making everything i should know i just got off work iw ould nothing huge but hey everyone needs something

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
If I go to a restaurant and the food is crap but the service is good I'll make sure only the wait person gets the tip. I know what its like to work in a restaurant, its not hard to make good food in a reasonable amount of time. Over-cooked pasta and under-cooked meat are signs that the kitchen staff really don't give a fuck about the customer or their job.
I always tip the pizza guy weather its on time or not. I'm always on the lookout for karma and for $5 you can't go wrong. If you get bad food or shitty service it's your own fault for not cooking the stuff yourself. Do prostitutes get tips?