Should i transplant these? First time grower


New Member
Hey all, first time grower here who definitely needs some guidance.
Planted 9 days ago in rockwool.
Here's what they look like now:
Soaked the rockwool for 24hrs to adjust pH and planted seeds. Been watering with distilled water and had em inside getting hit with sunlight. Roots are now showing through the bottom of the rockwool. Whats my play? And how do these look?
Thanks all!


Well-Known Member
Yes You can transplant them, whats Your plan, soil?
And then give'em
so they don't go all skinny and lanky.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they are ready. Asap sterilize gardening tools and hands. Also plant them softly and don't overwater because if you plant them right the soil should be about right under the first leaves so that when you water it the dirt washes away the immediate dirt that is close to the leaves. Make sure NO dirt gets on the top leaves, and make sure to keep the plants inside until they start growing. Because if you put them outside right after transplant you might run into some problems...

Also... The dirt if its too wet will cause the stem to rot.

So careful careful careful and love mother natures babies like your gonna smoke em... Lets the plants know what ur gonna do and play some country music.



New Member
Do you think these can survive outside at this point? Or should i put the rockwool in some pots inside for another week or so?


New Member
So should i transplant my rockwool to pots or solo cups filled with soil first and keep on the windowsill growing for a little bit longer? Or just keep the rockwool in my tray a little longer then go straight to my prepared holes outside? Thanks for any suggestions


Well-Known Member
Solo cups with soil. Wait a week or 2 then put them out. Make sure and have a small fan blowing on them to toughen up those stems.