Should i transplant?


i have a thirteen inch plant with two sets of sevens, it is in a 5gallon pot and the roots are already hangin through my drainage holes in the bottom,(i have to pop off the bottom part of the container.) i have another 61 pound bucket thats bigger but not double the size, would it be worth it to transplant again? or how long should i wait, its over a month now, lookin beautiful.


alright alright cool thanks man i juss wanna get my knowledge up ahead of time, so i dont fuck up on my first grow, so i can have a straight yield, an not have to learn from my mistakes lol
no dont transplant. that is a big bucket for that small of a plant. always start in small pots and work your way up. having a small plant in a big pot is bad bad bad. because the soil will take way longer to dry out and the roots will grow down to the bottom instead of out. so they will keep growing. in a small pot the roots grow to the edges then turn around and keep growing. you get a better, more dense root ball with a smaller pot. so 5 gallon should be plenty big for the rest of its life.

i potted a plant in a huge ass pot when it was tiny. it grew so slow. so itransplanted it to a 1 gallon bucket and the roots were so tiny. hardly any at all. then when in the smaller pot it took off growing.

transplanting is stresses the plant very minimally. just do it right and gently.