Should I trim my plant (have pics)


Hey whats up everyone. I just finished my second week of flowering and I was wondering if I should do some trimming. I heard this can produce bigger buds. I also noticed some of the leaves on the bottom are starting to die. Is this normal? PH, temp all that is perfect.
I was also wondering when I can take cutlings from them and start clones. I would like to get a second batch going in a veg room. Do I have to wait until the buds are all done? Once again thanks for all your help and info. Happy growing!!!:joint:



Active Member
No reason to trim. Every leaf can add growth rate and size. Some people do Lollypop them, But, that is up for debate.


Well-Known Member
some people will trim all branches/fan leaves on lower third of plant going into flower. helps with circulation and makes plant put more energy into her cola/colas that are in the top of the canopy. if you did that, then you'd get your clones out of it would be a good time to start your clones. good luck


Well-Known Member
you can go to and check out some cloning vids... just search cloning marijuana. you want to clone actual branches, not fan leaves. most people use sterile razor to severe branch on about a 45 degree angle. stick cut end into some rooting gel, and plant in your medium...... there are many other ways that people go about it though, so do a bit of research on it. then you can post the pics of all your clones so we can check em' out..... good luck :)


After taking a look at my plants I think I have to wait til the are done flowering. Pretty much every brach has a bud on it so I obviously don't want to cut them. Damn that sucks, I wanted to get a veg room going before this crop was done.


Active Member
your plants look pretty nice man. i was gonna give you some input but looks like every one answerd your questions.


Well-Known Member
you can still use those lower branches with buds on them for clones. most lower branches end up being "popcorn" nugs anyway. popcorn meaning light, fluffy, no real density, etc. not what we're after. so therefore, you can use a few of those branches and not have to worry.....