Should I trim up my Fan Leaves??


Active Member
as long as they are gathering light (feeding the rest of the plant), i'd leave them on. two exceptions:

1) if they're diseased, moldy, thrips, whatever - get them off (and check the rest of your plant for similar issues)
2) towards the end of veg, i have found that stripping the bottom third of the plant of leaves helps the top 2/3rds concentrate energy on bud growth. i don't do this all at once, though. one or two branches a week, check that you're not stressing her out, and continue if everything's healthy


as long as they are gathering light (feeding the rest of the plant), i'd leave them on. two exceptions:

1) if they're diseased, moldy, thrips, whatever - get them off (and check the rest of your plant for similar issues)
2) towards the end of veg, i have found that stripping the bottom third of the plant of leaves helps the top 2/3rds concentrate energy on bud growth. i don't do this all at once, though. one or two branches a week, check that you're not stressing her out, and continue if everything's healthy

1) They're not diseased.. at least I would say there not. They don't look it... No mold either.
2) They been in flowering for about a week so far.
So should I trim the fan leaves or not?...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
pending on how bushy she is.. if mine are really bushy then yes i will thin her out a bit..


Well-Known Member
1) They're not diseased.. at least I would say there not. They don't look it... No mold either.
2) They been in flowering for about a week so far.
So should I trim the fan leaves or not?...
It looks like they are mostly at the bottom of the plant. I would leave them or just tie them out of the way for now.



Well-Known Member
we never trim...typically you are taking away from the plant when you trim fan leaves. only if you need to then just one or two at a time.


Active Member
tie them versus trim or cutting.believe me i completley cutt off the fan leafs on my 5bagseeds and now their growing so much slower compared to their younger siblings


Well-Known Member
I grow nothing but Indica and I find that light doesnt get to the lower buds.2 choices SCROG or trim the fan leaves.If not ya end up with huge fan leaves and smaller nugs.I am not a Sativa grower so it may be different for you.Learning experience.


Well-Known Member
I have some pretty big Fan Leaves and was wondering if I should trim them up or cut the Fan Leaves off all together to allow more light??
Do not chop those green beauties!!!! Also dont' water so much, they are showing signs of heat stress, and overwatering. early signs, so just let them dry up a bit mroe before you water. That being said Dont' chop them, they are like solar panels, the more you leave up the more power you get!!! never chop your leaves!!!! they are the most important part of this equation!


Well-Known Member
Yea I was doing a lot of reading in the past few weeks about this to decide what to do with my plants...I LST'ed em' and they are looking very sexy now :D and my huge fan leaves were just tied towards the back and it has turned out to be a great move. I have no fan leaves blocking bud sites, all new growth on top of the plant and there was practically no "stress" during the process (took about 2 hours to pep back up). I did one as a test run, and went ahead and did the other three the next day!

P.S. Don't cut the leaves! Just train them to grow in another direction, you can take a leaf set and tie it to one side (bringing the two leaves together) it's completely harmless, solves the light blockage, and gives you a structured growth so it grows how you want two cents.
no man ull lose out on ur yield where do u think the buds get sum of there enrgy from those big fan leaves the buds suck up all the nitrogen out of the leaves an thts y they turn yellow well tht an over watering but leave them whats a lil extra work for bigger better buds


Well-Known Member
trim the as you go or feel. i trim leaves off through out the whole time, especially big ass ones that block light. don't over do it.


Well-Known Member
Do not trim your fan leaves plain and simple!

The only time u should trim fan leaves is if the yellowed out ready to fall off. If your worried about light then tuck the fan leaves or try lst.


Active Member
IMO dont touch them. Only remove leaves that are more than 50% damaged. Unless you need to improve vetalation and even then I would say do not trim the leaves unless more than 50% damaged. I have tried both ways over a long period of time, and all you do by trimming is to lower your yield. Trust me when I say the buds don't need any light, more leaves + more light = bigger yield.


Well-Known Member
iif you have to many leaves together touching. that blocks airflow and light. that creates pm. its common sense and used in any and every gardening application. i don't trim all of em. just ones that are damaged or too big. buds need light too. not just the leaves


Well-Known Member
IMO dont touch them. Only remove leaves that are more than 50% damaged. Unless you need to improve vetalation and even then I would say do not trim the leaves unless more than 50% damaged. I have tried both ways over a long period of time, and all you do by trimming is to lower your yield. Trust me when I say the buds don't need any light, more leaves + more light = bigger yield.

if buds don't need light, why do the ones that don't get much light not get very big at all. the ones that do get all the light get 5 to 10 times bigger than the other. again common sense