Should I use this for my next top dressing??????

Do you keep the lid closed 24/7? or do you open it once in a while to get fresh air in there? also do you use it to top dress also?
No, I leave a crack for air movement. No I don't use it for top dress. I just use it for worms to live in. I don't have enough scraps for a worm bin.
No, I leave a crack for air movement. No I don't use it for top dress. I just use it for worms to live in. I don't have enough scraps for a worm bin.
You would be surprised out how much scraps you can come up with.. I use to think I would have problems expanding a worm farm, but it's amazing at what all they will actually eat.. You can feed them little things crushed leaves, they are not too picky..
You are absolutely correct, I don't grow in organics. My bad, soo sorry bro.
It's all good, when I first got started with organics I thought the same thing.. I was about to toss out a good batch of soil because of the fuzzy web, I thought the soil turned south.. But the more you work with organic matter, the more you realize how funky it really is..
It's all good, when I first got started with organics I thought the same thing.. I was about to toss out a good batch of soil because of the fuzzy web, I thought the soil turned south.. But the more you work with organic matter, the more you realize how funky it really is..
The funkier, the better.
Im even building a veggie bed for a ground hog.. Im making his veggie bed right by his home he made, the hope is he will eat out of his garden and leave mine alone!
Welded wire mesh laid down in the bottom of my raised beds and a .22-250 rifle put an end to my constant battle with those greedy guys. You are way more kind than I am when it comes to garden nappers. I started out kind and ended up Caddyshack. I don't do veggies outdoor anymore other than taters in a sack on the deck so I live and let live now.