Should I yay or nay?

Should I shroom it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Dude Smuuuurffffssss....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, then go skydiving!

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • whaaa......

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
I ate some and did a thread about it as I was tripping on this website. . It can be fun depends on your mood and others around you. Make sure you have some bud to smoke that kind of kicks it in.
Yes on the shrooms. Never do Acid but do shrooms. Its a life changer and the "comedown" on shrooms is the most peaceful feeling ever.
Dude if you have never had a come down from coke then you haven't done enough good coke lol. trust me I know the difference between coke and speed.
Lol exactly it's like the move walk hard when you are coming down lol somehow you need more and less blankets at the same time. That equals one sweaty bed. In one day me and two buddy's managed to get kicked off a cruse ship then get even more waisted and of course buy a ball of coke and smash through that. At the end of that the hotel that we were staying at had to throw away the bed and the couch I assure you.
Mushrooms are tricky you can get really good mushrooms like the ones I ate In Amsterdam 2 grams was plenty and I had a great trip. But on the other side I got some street shrooms that I had 4.5 grams of and then proceeded to go to shit town for the next five hours. I am a medical professional and my advice is what they teach you in any medical program which is you can allways add more drugs but once they are in you can't take them away. Problem with street shit is you never know what the hell you are going to get. I think it is also a good idea to have a trip buddy its way more fun. Lastly make sure life is going well and that your mind is calm when you start your trip. Also do it someplace you feel safe your house the mountains you pick. If you want to go on a crazy trip slam some medical grade K closest thing you will ever get to mescolin. Nothing like the pills. It's a true out of body high nothing like acid or shrooms and way better IMO.

A medical professional eh? You can't spell Mescaline (or always), you don't discuss titration and you call it medical grade as opposed to pharmaceutical grade. Let me guess you are a neurosurgeon..........

First of all I am dislexic and have never been great at spelling, not being a spelling bee champ is not a sign of your intelligence. You don't titrate ketamine unless you are using it to sedate a child. It is almost never used for adults in the hospital setting. either way there is always a loading dose then you titrate for maintenance. The loading dose is 1 - 4 mg per kg, this means if your patient weighs 65 pounds he is about 30 Kg so his loading dose would be anywhere from 30mg to 120mg. Most of the time the drug is used it is so we can reset a dislocation or reset a bone, both only takes a few minutes and the loading does will keep them down for anywhere from 20 mins to an hour we almost never need to what you call titrate. This drug is used mainly because it rarely causes any respiratory depression and is a very effective sedative. Rarely will you find such a powerful sedative that won't knock out the patients respiratory drive. Here are some other fun facts about K it is in the same family of drugs as PCP.

I was referring to using it recreationally, when I did it I actually cut the low end of the loading dose in half so 1/2 mg per kg. It would last about 30 mins but time is of little relevance on a drug like ketamine due to the out of body high that seems to go on much longer than 20 mins. You are right about one thing I did miss speak the truth is I used to be a medical professional and am no longer due to illness. But I assure you sir I have forgot more about emergency medicine than you will ever know.