should insurance company's have to cover the obese


Step 1: Start Fight on Interwebs
Step 2: Lie, and talk about how smart you are
Step 3: Repeat step 2 until blue in face
Step 4: Cry to mods when losing
Step 5: Masturbate in pool of own tears.
Step 6: Drown self in bathtub while listening to Amy Whinehouse

fixed that for ya.

BRB bathtub is nearly full, and my Jack Daniels and Seconal is waiting.
Back on Topic:

if fat people should be denied coverage for being fat, should people who engage in sports or thrill-seeking endeavours be denied medical care too?

if so, im pretty sure the Skate-Douche savings alone would help put O-Care in the black.

So should Insurance be required to cover the obese?

if not, then mountain climbers, skaters, "extreme sports" enthusiasts, motorcycle riders, people who drive cars that go faster then 25 MPH, and anyone who smokes drinks, or uses an electric razor should be denied coverage too.

O-Care is really gonna start sucking if Bwana Obama turns it into a tool for social engineering and risk management.
It really isnt too bad until Uncle Buck and posse wake up and cause all kinds of shit... Then you just have to log off until he passes out because he feels the need to disrupt every conversation.

you gonna mention me in every single post, lover boy?

i wouldn't have barely anything to make fun of if not for people like you who ask me to draw iran's route to the sea.

or talk about domestic oil in alberta.

or say the democrat only got the black vote because he was half black (dude, really?)

let's not forget skewed polls.

my gun does not work without ammo, and you are feeding me round after round. so of course things get bloody and messy.
you gonna mention me in every single post, lover boy?

i wouldn't have barely anything to make fun of if not for people like you who ask me to draw iran's route to the sea.

or talk about domestic oil in alberta.

or say the democrat only got the black vote because he was half black (dude, really?)

let's not forget skewed polls.

my gun does not work without ammo, and you are feeding me round after round. so of course things get bloody and messy.

Ladies and Gentlemen... I present to you my puppet, Uncle Buck... Performing on Queue....
mountain climbers, skaters, "extreme sports" enthusiasts, motorcycle riders, people who drive cars that go faster then 25 MPH, and anyone who smokes drinks, or uses an electric razor should be denied coverage too.

I skate. I like downhill. I hit speeds up to 30mph+ I also drink/smoke. I have terrible teeth. BUT, I also work two jobs, take care of a family, and shave with an electric razor.

I'm confused at to what will be considered "covered" by my new policy.

Is there some info out there I can sponge out of you dummies?
I skate. I like downhill. I hit speeds up to 30mph+ I also drink/smoke. I have terrible teeth. BUT, I also work two jobs, take care of a family, and shave with an electric razor.

I'm confused at to what will be considered "covered" by my new policy.

Is there some info out there I can sponge out of you dummies?

Dont worry... Everything is covered... After you pay your massive deductible of thousands of dollars up front. Oh and maybe your medication is not on the approved list so it wouldnt be covered. Oh, and if you want to go to any of the top medical or cancer centers for treatment that isnt covered. Havent you read the 13,000,000 word document yet??? F'ing slacker...
If I owned an insurance company I think it would only make sense to charge accordingly. People that do not exerciser or take care of themselves cost more to insure, that's it end of story. People that down hill ski for a living should pay more, it is dollars and cents. I also should be able to insure who I want, when I want. I should be able to charge whatever I want. But a deal is a deal. when i insure you and you make a claim I should honor that deal and pay out. I should't try and find every sleazy way to get out of the contract.

Now the issue of being charged $38 for a band aid or $1,487.00 for Tylenol should be adressed.
If I owned an insurance company I think it would only make sense to charge accordingly. People that do not exerciser or take care of themselves cost more to insure, that's it end of story. People that down hill ski for a living should pay more, it is dollars and cents. I also should be able to insure who I want, when I want. I should be able to charge whatever I want. But a deal is a deal. when i insure you and you make a claim I should honor that deal and pay out. I should't try and find every sleazy way to get out of the contract.

Now the issue of being charged $38 for a band aid or $1,487.00 for Tylenol should be adressed.

I can count about 13 things about this comment that are extremely retarded. Anyone else lose count after the first 10?
If I owned an insurance company I think it would only make sense to charge accordingly. People that do not exerciser or take care of themselves cost more to insure, that's it end of story. People that down hill ski for a living should pay more, it is dollars and cents. I also should be able to insure who I want, when I want. I should be able to charge whatever I want. But a deal is a deal. when i insure you and you make a claim I should honor that deal and pay out. I should't try and find every sleazy way to get out of the contract.

Now the issue of being charged $38 for a band aid or $1,487.00 for Tylenol should be adressed.

if you go to a hospital for anything that can be solved by a bandaid or tylenol you SHOULD be raked over the coals.

last time i went to the ER (9 years ago) i waited next to kids with the sniffles, idiots with minor cuts and scratches, dipshit junkies trying to get vicodin, and a dumbass with gas pains.

i sat there for 4 hours waiting, while dumb bitches demanded antibiotics for their kid's cold, gasbag finally let off his massive fart, and dumbasses with minor cuts were given bandaids, until finally i saw a croaker, who, upon hearing my symptoms, shit a brick, started ordering cat scans x-rays and blood tests, and began arguing with the desk nurse about how triage is supposed to work.

it turns out people who appear to be having a stroke should be seen before kids with the sniffles and junkies trying to get a fix.

our medical system is fucked up, but how it is paid for is the LEAST IMPORTANT ISSUE.
(just dial 811)

Welcome to the National Triage line.

If you are bleeding out from a rape/murder please press 56779340 now.

If you are a victim of a hate crime please press 6678394000399940003 now.

If you are experiencing gas pains please dial 3399499495000506---5-49949494050ffskkfja-niner-34993499 now.

If you are currently minutes from death, please be patient, as your call is very important to us, but currently all our operators are busy with Gas pain calls.