should insurance company's have to cover the obese

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Everyone knows - you never go full retard. Go ask Sean Penn.

thats a nasty ingrown toenail.

soak that fucker in epsom salts for a few hours, and cut the nail diagonally with sharp clippers or surgical scissors, getting all the way to the cuticle, and pull out the horn with pliers or forceps.

from now on keep the edges of your toenails rounded when you trim em. no square cuts on yer toes.
Somewhat defined abs. Knowledge of obscure cinema. Hmmm. Are you sure? :P

obscure? thats from Superman 2.

This one is obscure, despite starring Sean Connery, Chrisitan Slater and F Murray Abraham:


can you name that film without interwebs?
obscure? thats from Superman 2.

This one is obscure, despite starring Sean Connery, Chrisitan Slater and F Murray Abraham:


can you name that film without interwebs?

Firstly, that's obvi a secksy Friar Willy and his even younger apprentice Adso. One of Slater's best films, if I may say....

I checked the googles after this - I was waaaaay to correct to be straight.
To answer your question - I'm obviously not queer enough to name that flick. But, this was fun...

I would be up for trying it again. :P
Firstly, that's obvi a secksy Friar Willy and his even younger apprentice Adso. One of Slater's best films, if I may say....

I checked the googles after this - I was waaaaay to correct to be straight.


i must confess i am a lil bit gay for Sean Connery...

but everybody is.

check out Zardoz, it's Sir Connery's gayest film ever.

he struts around in bright red nuthugger shorts with a wedgie for the entire film.

i must confess i am a lil bit gay for Sean Connery...

but everybody is.

check out Zardoz, it's Sir Connery's gayest film ever.

he struts around in bright red nuthugger shorts with a wedgie for the entire film.

Zardoz is a fun family-goodtimes jem.

I will still forever know him as the Scottish swordsman, Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez, who claims to be the Chief Metallurgist for Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain. Fucking champ!
[h=2]United States of Obesity – Why are Red States so much fatter than Blue States? (Updated)[/h] Posted on April 25, 2012 by vjoseph

[COLOR=#]9 Votes[/COLOR]​

Study: Obesity adds $190 billion in health costs
From Reuters: NEW YORK — U.S. hospitals are ripping out wall-mounted toilets and replacing them with floor models to better support obese patients. The Federal Transit Administration wants buses to be tested for the impact of heavier riders on steering and braking. Cars are burning nearly a billion gallons of gasoline more a year than if passengers weighed what they did in 1960.
The nation’s rising rate of obesity has been well-chronicled. But businesses, governments and individuals are only now coming to grips with the costs of those extra pounds, many of which are even greater than believed only a few years ago: The additional medical spending due to obesity is double previous estimates and exceeds even those of smoking, a new study shows.
Many of those costs have dollar signs in front of them, such as the higher health insurance premiums everyone pays to cover those extra medical costs. Other changes, often cost-neutral, are coming to the built environment in the form of wider seats in public places from sports stadiums to bus stops.
The startling economic costs of obesity, often borne by the non-obese, could become the epidemic’s second-hand smoke. Only when scientists discovered that nonsmokers were developing lung cancer and other diseases from breathing smoke-filled air did policymakers get serious about fighting the habit, in particular by establishing nonsmoking zones. The costs that smoking added to Medicaid also spurred action. Now, as economists put a price tag on sky-high body mass indexes (BMIs), policymakers as well as the private sector are mobilizing to find solutions to the obesity epidemic.
For more – click HERE

Is this a 2008 presidential election electoral map? No, but the confusion is understandable. This is a map of obesity in America for 2011.

The seven states with the highest level of obesity all voted for McCain by double digits while the seven least obese states voted for Obama by double digits (with the exception of Colorado). Not surprisingly, the seven most obese states are all in the top 10 most unhealthy states while the opposite is true of the least obese states.
Why are the fattest states also the reddest? Is this the GOP’s model for America? Is it their goal to fatten up the populous so much that they are dependent upon that new Diabetes medicine they just invested in? Sounds cynical, but if you follow the money in politics, it is not far from the truth.

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The seven states with the highest level of obesity all voted for McCain by double digits while the seven least obese states voted for Obama by double digits (with the exception of Colorado). Not surprisingly, the seven most obese states are all in the top 10 most unhealthy states while the opposite is true of the least obese states.
Why are the fattest states also the reddest? Is this the GOP’s model for America? Is it their goal to fatten up the populous so much that they are dependent upon that new Diabetes medicine they just invested in? Sounds cynical, but if you follow the money in politics, it is not far from the truth.

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CheezyO the clan man...

If you were to take an average weight of Democrats versus Republicans what party would weight more? I haven't looked it up but I have a feeling the Dems are fatter people and you would be stepping on your Democratic weenier...

Nitro Got anything to add?
Dont worry... Everything is covered... After you pay your massive deductible of thousands of dollars up front. Oh and maybe your medication is not on the approved list so it wouldnt be covered. Oh, and if you want to go to any of the top medical or cancer centers for treatment that isnt covered. Havent you read the 13,000,000 word document yet??? F'ing slacker...


my gold plan deductible is $1750 with TOOP $5k.. reimbursement is 80/20 and i pay $0..RX which is really what i need are $5/30/60 as i'm very healthy..this plan is better than i had at kushy fortune 500.

top medical/cancer centers don't take medicaid..they take blue cross, cigna, coventry which is what the healthcare marketplace offers in my state. i am covered by coventry. the ACA is a law which is NOT medical coverage..