Should pot be 100% legal yes or no?

Should adults be allowed to use and grow marijuana?

  • Yes

    Votes: 106 92.2%
  • No

    Votes: 7 6.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 1.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
yeah, just gota be 18 to smoke it
right - it makes sense just like you would not give children free access to alcohol, cigarettes, or large amounts of over the counter drugs.. however, i think that nobody should go to jail if cops find a 17 year old smoking with a 25 year old, doing nothing else wrong.. there should be fines or community service types of minor punitive repercussions - that also assures that people can't use the risk factor as a way to sell pot at a black market price.. then it is like beer - i have made the point before - it is not every day that you see someone selling selling alcohol on campus, at least when i was in school - there weren't pushers with flasks of anything because there was not a black market demand.. those who wanted it got it through quasi legal channels and there wasn't a vast black market with risk factors inflating the price..

thanks for all of the reasonable and productive responses so far! :)

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
right on - yes!
you and everyone should read The Emperor Wears No Clothes - the collection of cannabis info collected into a wonderful book by the late Jack Herer. - FREE TO READ!
did you know that cannabis was the number one prescribed medicine in the world before it was outlawed? it was also the number one farm animal feed and bird seed. wild birds that eat wild hemp breed more and live longer.
Thanks for the link Ford, I've really been wanting to read this.


Well-Known Member
awesome! no problem..
very nice to have it all in text form online! easy to share.. maybe i'll throw it on facebook right now...


Well-Known Member
do you want to discuss why?
i am assuming that you mean that the laws would not be fair because people don't understand the equation well enough?
my question is only should people be allowed - not should pot be regulated, taxed, flown to the moon or anything else..


New Member
hey people still bootleg, there will always be "duty-free", besides do you really think philip morris can mass produce the quality i got my closet, hell no
Actually yes They can and they can do much much better

They have the research dollars to come up with weed that Would Blow anything you have in your wildest dreams out the window


Well-Known Member
i have only grown for personal use - so, i tend to think that anyone who wants to and has some land should be able to do the same..

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
It's always boggled my mind that some growers and even some smokers don't support full legalization. The only reason I can come up with is profit, and I guess that's why it's illegal in the first place. I don't understand the mindset behind supporting keeping it illegal just to make a buck. Think of all the people sent to prison and getting their lives ruined just because people want to make money. I hate to be so negative, but its disgusting. If I'm missing some newfound reason other than greed here please clue me in. I don't see how any human could be okay with the it remaining illegal to grow a plant.


Active Member
The only no votes are people that "deal" in it. If it went full legal, even with age restrictions, it would flood the "market" making the dealers have to lower prices to compete with the masses thT will then have access to it. As stated earlier with the "tomatoes" you would still have a niche in the market for people that would want locally grown herb. Even though I can get cheaper tomatoes at walmart, I still by from the local produce stand. Why? Cause it helps keep the money local, more than likely grown with more care for a great product, vs mass produced at the cheapest overhead to maximize profit margins.


Well-Known Member
Why ruin a good thing and flood the market.. I enjoy cali being home of the best bud.. If it were made 100% legal here, That would bring a new era to Schwag on the streets from wanna-be growers.


New Member
Do you realize how ridiculous and silly that statement is ? A new era of schwagg? lol

No dude...the bud would be way better because it wouldnt be coming in 6 months ago inside god knows what contraption


Well-Known Member
yeah, but there would also be greater access to more interesting and diverse strains, bred by masters, and there would be more people mastering the skill, how is that a bad thing? basically easier access and lower cost for the consumer, how could that be a bad thing, also what makes you think the streets would be full of crap weed? there will be even more uppity smokers that only want the most potent, best cured shit on the market,


Well-Known Member
Well, the other 99% of my reasoning involves cash & people being screwed over. It is a business like any other, you should not be able to brew your own alchohol in your backyard should you?

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Well, the other 99% of my reasoning involves cash & people being screwed over. It is a business like any other, you should not be able to brew your own alchohol in your backyard should you?
You should definitely be able to brew your own alcohol in your backyard :eyesmoke:

I personally see charging anything more than what it costs to provide as "people being screwed over." It's a flower, yet it goes for 200+ an ounce? LOL


Well-Known Member
All drugs should be legal. It is not right for a politician to look over your shoulder and baby you like you can't make a decision for yourself.
no way in hell should crack or meth be legal and heroin and dozens of very addictive drugs hat will consume you..but marijuana? yes absolutely it should be 100% legal