Should racism be accepted if......

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I feel like “white trash” or “cracker” doesn’t carry the weight of 400+ years of slavery. Is it racist? Yeah, maybe a little bit. I actually recently caught a 3 day FB ban for calling someone white trash, because it was flagged as hate speech. It still doesn’t condense over four hundred years of oppression in a few spiteful words and gestures.
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You asked why I deleted the part about helping. The only part that I deleted/edited was my asking why you would back someone that bashes ALL Canadians and rarely distinguishes between them. I won’t debate that I have seen him do it on multiple threads.

if I hurt your pride,.... well sorry but if you are going to sell out your country and morals to back a literal psychopath that uses penis analogies for anyone who disagrees that a whole race is not to blame, then yeah that’s kissing ass and selling out. All you wanted to hear was every Canadian.... except Budley, and you delivered your like as promised.. It’s all about acceptance on here.

I don’t care what anyone wrote for a good year tweet or whatever. You can’t shout genocide and white hate all year, in hopes it triggers a weak minded racist to lash out on a forum, and not think that you are putting other minorities within reach of said racist at risk.

What you are not understanding is that this speech has consequences beyond making a racist feel foolish. Obviously it’s not literal genocide that anyone is worried about.
Your logic is retarded. Tipper fucking Gore here trying to convince us that it's Uncle Bucks fault Nazis are triggered into violence. GTfOH just because your idiot mind is fragile doesn't mean you get to control people's speech here. No acts of violence have been committed by members against white members because we throw your own shit back at you. Yo Buck you set off Dylan Roof. Those idiots have been convinced by their parents. Hopefully the weak minded that get recruited through X BoX Live such as yourself can be made to look stupid and change their mind. I'd they can't then they were too stupid in the first place.
I feel like “white trash” or “cracker” doesn’t carry the weight of 400+ years of slavery. Is it racist? Yeah, maybe a little bit. I actually recently caught a 3 day FB ban for calling someone white trash, because it was flagged as hate speech. It still doesn’t condense over four hundred years of oppression in a few spiteful words and gestures.

While I don’t blame you for not wanting to read through 30 pages of ramblings and arguments for and against the verbal promotion of White Genocid or the generalization of a whole race as trash, I will tell you that this has been covered on this thread and nobody was arguing about the use of the word white trash or cracker.

I do agree though that the words you are using do not carry the weight that it would if used in regards to a black person.
Your logic is retarded. Tipper fucking Gore here trying to convince us that it's Uncle Bucks fault Nazis are triggered into violence. GTfOH just because your idiot mind is fragile doesn't mean you get to control people's speech here. No acts of violence have been committed by members against white members because we throw your own shit back at you. Yo Buck you set off Dylan Roof. Those idiots have been convinced by their parents. Hopefully the weak minded that get recruited through X BoX Live such as yourself can be made to look stupid and change their mind. I'd they can't then they were too stupid in the first place.

Yes you are probably right, pitting one race against another and promoting the use of the words “ I’m all for white genocide” and “Whites are trash” on a public forum will not carry any negative consequences.

If you are telling me for the hundredth time that hate speech against the race that you are trying to change the mind of is the logical approach for battling racism, then I’ll agree to disagree and move on to debate with someone with
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