should the stems snap before i jar them up for curing ?


Active Member
shud the stems snap after being dried for 5 days or so ? and if they dont snap after 5 days shud i keep on drying ? temps are around 75 avg RH 50 ish !!

what do u guys do ?


Active Member
The humidity here is zero, the plants get boxed after one day hang to slow it down. I like mine to hang a week, a consensus I hear of a lot is a minimum of three days to neutralize the plant acids.

But at zero humidity two days and they are dry, a lot of it gets smoked the second day. Not really all that bad, all things are relative. If I'm out of pot it tastes really fine, when I'm fat with the good stuff the two day is not even smokable.

Hang them for up to two weeks if mold is not a problem, taste does improve, which in turn makes it feel stronger.


Active Member
thanx for ya input man, cant believe only one reply to a simple question, ok theres is things like heat n RH in ur case zero ( dam that must be dry air dude, lol ) but simple enough do u wait for a snap befor placing into jar for cure ? one lousy answer so i appreciate it more now, lol,but i hear ya man so thanx again. peace !


Active Member
I'm to smoked to get the link, but there is a great thread about after the harvest (I think it's even called that). What I do is bend the stems. If they crack, but not completely snap then it's time to jar. If they are still soft then I wait.


Its kind of a learned process, have to do it a few times to get it down, and really dense buds will mess with things too. If you jar too early you can pull them out and let them sit on a plate for a few hours to further dry, then back into the jar. I have seen some go as far as putting humidistats inside the jars.


Well-Known Member
I jar them when they feel dry to touch on the outside, the stems do not snap at that stage. After 12 hours I take them out of the jar and inspect them, they will most likely have sweated the moisture that was inside the bud on the outside. If they feel too moist I let them sit outside the jar for couple of hours and then jar them again for 12 hours and repeat the procedure, gradually increasing the time period between jar burping as the humidity inside the jar decreases.

I rather jar them a bit earlier, letting them dry out too much would be detrimental to the curing process so I don't want to risk that, and correct their moisture accordingly with each burping session. If you check on them regularly then mold should not be a problem. You will get the hang of it once you try it out for yourself, if you want to do it really meticulously then get a small hygrometer which will be placed into the jar along with the buds and follow the directions in this thread: