Should this light setup work?




Well-Known Member
I would add some side lighting to help with penetration unless your growing dwarfs. T-5's are nice for that or you can use CFL's.


Well-Known Member
Youll be good. Depending on how closed off your set up is, I would definately invest in more fans. In a closed area, those HPS can get hot as hell.

Good luck bro, and be sure to keep us posted. Hope this helps.



Youll be good. Depending on how closed off your set up is, I would definately invest in more fans. In a closed area, those HPS can get hot as hell.

Good luck bro, and be sure to keep us posted. Hope this helps.


I found some fans rated at 168CFM:

The grow space is the left side of the cupboard (the empty part, im going to fit a gorw tent in there)

They are rated at 168CFM so they seem to be pretty fast and good at circulating air.


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know what fans I should use?

Hey Luke...yeah man, you'll be str8....

Those 2 4" axial fans; are they being used to cool the lamp (inline duct flow) or just an O2 exchange? Either way, grab yourself a cheap 6" clip on oscillating fan to circulate the O2 within your chamber

Thats what set up I have on my 400 watt setup with a 2'6" x 2'6" x 5'5" grow tent....and my temps stay at a nice 82 degrees farenheit lights on...

to figure out how big a fan you'll need is to do some simple math:
find out the cubic ft. area of your space (length x width x height) thats your cubic ft space...mine happens to be roughly 49 cubic feet.

O2 only really needs to be recycled once every 5 mins...but I keep my fans on continuously while my lights are on.bongsmilie