Should we deport Russia loving Americans

Google Santo Trafficante Jr. and Sam Giancana. The Republicans were fielding Mobsters into the CIA’s Domestic Operations Division, which opened February 1963, 9 months prior to JFK’s assassination. The Babushka Lady who was never found was documenting the assassination for the Soviets. The Mob/CIA, the Russians, and the KKK work together. It’s all there, in public record. I may be crazy, but I’m crazy like a fox. It’s kept me alive so far. :eyesmoke:


Google Gen. Edwin Walker.

Oswald shot at his head on April 10, 1963. Bullet deflected by window frame and the good general survived a minor forearm injury.

Walker lost the Democrat gubenatorial primary to the guy sitting in the jump seat in front of JFK on Nov. 22nd. In 1963 Texas almost everyone was a Democrat. You had liberal and conservative Democrats. Walker was a John Birch society conservative goof ball. Polar opposite of JFK.

Did you know the Warren Report was the size of a set of encyclopedias? And that it is verifiably over 99.9% correct?

The only thing they didn't get right was the timing of the shots. They thought it was 5.6 - 6 seconds. That was the time between the 2nd and 3rd shot, not all 3 shots. Oswald took over 8 seconds for the 3 shots. Anybody could work that bolt action in 8 seconds. No rush at all.

Santo Trafficante co-owned Cuban casinos with other mafia guys. One of the others was Gabriel 'Kelly' Mannarino, the local Godfather of my area in the '60's and '70's. He was caught at the famous mafia summit in November, 1957 in ApaIachin, NY. Those guys didn't conspire to kill JFK, they were more into running guns to Cuba and later, trying to assassinate Castro to get their casinos back.

Do you know how much money was made writing JFK conspiracy books? It became a cottage industry.

The only conspiracy I ever uncovered (and I studied this for over 20 years 1968-1988 and beyond) was the conspiracy between the CIA and FBI to shred evidence that they knew Oswald was mentally fucked up and a danger to any president. They should have been on top of his location at all times.

Did you know JFK's secret service detail was partying at a Dallas night club until 4 in the morning? No wonder they didn't react quickly. They were hung over and just going through the motions. Nobody shot a president since 1901.

You know that Oswald shot a cop less than an hour after he shot Kennedy, right. There were witnesses.

You know there were a couple guys on the 5th floor right under Oswald on the 6th floor, right? They testified to hearing the bolt action and hearing the ejected shells hit the floor.

You know there were multiple eye witnesses who watched Oswald stick a rifle out the window and fire 3 shots, right?
One girl is on the Zapruder film clearly looking up at the building instead of Jack and Jackie right in front of her. Because there was a guy up there shooting a rifle.

You know there are 9 home 8MM movies used to create the computer animation in the 1980's, right? That proved the bullet didn't 'zig and zag', it was a direct straight line. The bullet that hit both JFK and the governor was slowed and tumbling after passing through JFK. It entered Connally's back sideways, not on a tight spiral.

A prominent scientist at the time, Luis Alvarez, demonstrated how you could tell on the Zapruder film exactly when the shots were fired. He did tests of guys holding 8mm movie cameras while guys behind them fired rifles 3 times. Upon developement of those movies, you could see 3 blurry spots where they jerked the cameras from the gun shots.

I could continue, but I think you get the point. The actual evidence against Oswald is overwhelming. It would fill a hard drive. Did you know he was an impotent wife beater with psychological problems back to elementary school?

And that he publically stated at parties that Kennedy needed shot?

If I was on a jury my vote would be guilty as charged. Oh, they did several mock trials around the era. Guilty every time.

He did it. And he acted alone because he was an antisocial lone wolf all his pathetic life. You could debate that he was influenced by someone. But I think not. Unless he heard voices from birds or something.

Google Gen. Edwin Walker.

Oswald shot at his head on April 10, 1963. Bullet deflected by window frame and the good general survived a minor forearm injury.

Walker lost the Democrat gubenatorial primary to the guy sitting in the jump seat in front of JFK on Nov. 22nd. In 1963 Texas almost everyone was a Democrat. You had liberal and conservative Democrats. Walker was a John Birch society conservative goof ball. Polar opposite of JFK.

Did you know the Warren Report was the size of a set of encyclopedias? And that it is verifiably over 99.9% correct?

The only thing they didn't get right was the timing of the shots. They thought it was 5.6 - 6 seconds. That was the time between the 2nd and 3rd shot, not all 3 shots. Oswald took over 8 seconds for the 3 shots. Anybody could work that bolt action in 8 seconds. No rush at all.

Santo Trafficante co-owned Cuban casinos with other mafia guys. One of the others was Gabriel 'Kelly' Mannarino, the local Godfather of my area in the '60's and '70's. He was caught at the famous mafia summit in November, 1957 in ApaIachin, NY. Those guys didn't conspire to kill JFK, they were more into running guns to Cuba and later, trying to assassinate Castro to get their casinos back.

Do you know how much money was made writing JFK conspiracy books? It became a cottage industry.

The only conspiracy I ever uncovered (and I studied this for over 20 years 1968-1988 and beyond) was the conspiracy between the CIA and FBI to shred evidence that they knew Oswald was mentally fucked up and a danger to any president. They should have been on top of his location at all times.

Did you know JFK's secret service detail was partying at a Dallas night club until 4 in the morning? No wonder they didn't react quickly. They were hung over and just going through the motions. Nobody shot a president since 1901.

You know that Oswald shot a cop less than an hour after he shot Kennedy, right. There were witnesses.

You know there were a couple guys on the 5th floor right under Oswald on the 6th floor, right? They testified to hearing the bolt action and hearing the ejected shells hit the floor.

You know there were multiple eye witnesses who watched Oswald stick a rifle out the window and fire 3 shots, right?
One girl is on the Zapruder film clearly looking up at the building instead of Jack and Jackie right in front of her. Because there was a guy up there shooting a rifle.

You know there are 9 home 8MM movies used to create the computer animation in the 1980's, right? That proved the bullet didn't 'zig and zag', it was a direct straight line. The bullet that hit both JFK and the governor was slowed and tumbling after passing through JFK. It entered Connally's back sideways, not on a tight spiral.

A prominent scientist at the time, Luis Alvarez, demonstrated how you could tell on the Zapruder film exactly when the shots were fired. He did tests of guys holding 8mm movie cameras while guys behind them fired rifles 3 times. Upon developement of those movies, you could see 3 blurry spots where they jerked the cameras from the gun shots.

I could continue, but I think you get the point. The actual evidence against Oswald is overwhelming. It would fill a hard drive. Did you know he was an impotent wife beater with psychological problems back to elementary school?

And that he publically stated at parties that Kennedy needed shot?

If I was on a jury my vote would be guilty as charged. Oh, they did several mock trials around the era. Guilty every time.

He did it. And he acted alone because he was an antisocial lone wolf all his pathetic life. You could debate that he was influenced by someone. But I think not. Unless he heard voices from birds or something.

But...but...OLIVER STONE!!!
just hand out gas canisters labeled "free college". People will sort themselves out quickly. This thread seems to be filled with those who share an infatuation with WWII, perhaps they'd recommend a light mustard fragrance .:clap:

Keep defending the fucking traitor (if that was your intent) and his criminal party. It wouldn't be my choice to be speaking russian in the next decade.
Meltdowns all around. People getting upset over what is obviously a troll thread... (munches popcorn)
I suppose you thought that was clever. It probably is to your weak mind. In reality, that kind of statement in an argument simply proves you have lost it. I get it, you defend Trump. You have nothing else. On the other hand you could just sit there and look like a fool instead of removing all doubt.

What you just used is called a logical fallacy, otherwise known as a bad argument. The particular one you used is termed: Ad Hominum Fallacy

Ad Hominem Fallacy
An ad hominem is more than just an insult. It’s an insult used as if it were an argument or evidence in support of a conclusion. Verbally attacking people proves nothing about the truth or falsity of their claims. Ad hominems are common known in politics as “mudslinging.” Instead of addressing the candidate’s stance on the issues, or addressing his or her effectiveness as a statesman or stateswoman, ad hominems focus on personality issues, speech patterns, wardrobe, style, and other things that affect popularity but have no bearing on their competence.

There are fourteen others listed on this site:

If you are going to continue to defend Trump using logical fallacies, at least keep it interesting by using different ones.

I might even start playing right winger fallacy bingo. You know, just because your kind are getting boring with their repetitive fact free attacks on others.
A Georgia Republican named “I, Saxon.” Giving a Russian a warm welcome. Not necessarily saying that your wife is a Russian plant, but you’re not really making your case. I’ve already said the Russians and Republicans work together through the Mob, and especially since the Cold War and the assassination of JFK, when the Russians, the Republicans, and the CIA got together to kill off a Democrat who was threatening to return post-war power and money to the People. Russia, Republicans, and the Mob were looking at a huge loss, one that would make the world look entirely different today.
Smoke better weed, its showing...

Google Gen. Edwin Walker.

Oswald shot at his head on April 10, 1963. Bullet deflected by window frame and the good general survived a minor forearm injury.

Walker lost the Democrat gubenatorial primary to the guy sitting in the jump seat in front of JFK on Nov. 22nd. In 1963 Texas almost everyone was a Democrat. You had liberal and conservative Democrats. Walker was a John Birch society conservative goof ball. Polar opposite of JFK.

Did you know the Warren Report was the size of a set of encyclopedias? And that it is verifiably over 99.9% correct?

The only thing they didn't get right was the timing of the shots. They thought it was 5.6 - 6 seconds. That was the time between the 2nd and 3rd shot, not all 3 shots. Oswald took over 8 seconds for the 3 shots. Anybody could work that bolt action in 8 seconds. No rush at all.

Santo Trafficante co-owned Cuban casinos with other mafia guys. One of the others was Gabriel 'Kelly' Mannarino, the local Godfather of my area in the '60's and '70's. He was caught at the famous mafia summit in November, 1957 in ApaIachin, NY. Those guys didn't conspire to kill JFK, they were more into running guns to Cuba and later, trying to assassinate Castro to get their casinos back.

Do you know how much money was made writing JFK conspiracy books? It became a cottage industry.

The only conspiracy I ever uncovered (and I studied this for over 20 years 1968-1988 and beyond) was the conspiracy between the CIA and FBI to shred evidence that they knew Oswald was mentally fucked up and a danger to any president. They should have been on top of his location at all times.

Did you know JFK's secret service detail was partying at a Dallas night club until 4 in the morning? No wonder they didn't react quickly. They were hung over and just going through the motions. Nobody shot a president since 1901.

You know that Oswald shot a cop less than an hour after he shot Kennedy, right. There were witnesses.

You know there were a couple guys on the 5th floor right under Oswald on the 6th floor, right? They testified to hearing the bolt action and hearing the ejected shells hit the floor.

You know there were multiple eye witnesses who watched Oswald stick a rifle out the window and fire 3 shots, right?
One girl is on the Zapruder film clearly looking up at the building instead of Jack and Jackie right in front of her. Because there was a guy up there shooting a rifle.

You know there are 9 home 8MM movies used to create the computer animation in the 1980's, right? That proved the bullet didn't 'zig and zag', it was a direct straight line. The bullet that hit both JFK and the governor was slowed and tumbling after passing through JFK. It entered Connally's back sideways, not on a tight spiral.

A prominent scientist at the time, Luis Alvarez, demonstrated how you could tell on the Zapruder film exactly when the shots were fired. He did tests of guys holding 8mm movie cameras while guys behind them fired rifles 3 times. Upon developement of those movies, you could see 3 blurry spots where they jerked the cameras from the gun shots.

I could continue, but I think you get the point. The actual evidence against Oswald is overwhelming. It would fill a hard drive. Did you know he was an impotent wife beater with psychological problems back to elementary school?

And that he publically stated at parties that Kennedy needed shot?

If I was on a jury my vote would be guilty as charged. Oh, they did several mock trials around the era. Guilty every time.

He did it. And he acted alone because he was an antisocial lone wolf all his pathetic life. You could debate that he was influenced by someone. But I think not. Unless he heard voices from birds or something.
See, though, if Oswald was verifiably working for Russia, so, too, are the Mob and the Republicans. McCarthy was an attempt to throw off suspicion onto the Left, but it backfired. Them, just like Trump, Reagan and Paul Manafort made it a point to try to get closer to Russia while amplifying the Drug War. Like I said, they didn’t want to lose their post-war profit. I thoroughly believe Kennedy was going to turn power back to the People, and the Mob, Russia, and Republicans were afraid of losing control and profit. I could be totally wrong, but I’ll read into what you’re saying.
See, though, if Oswald was verifiably working for Russia, so, too, are the Mob and the Republicans. McCarthy was an attempt to throw off suspicion onto the Left, but it backfired. Them, just like Trump, Reagan and Paul Manafort made it a point to try to get closer to Russia while amplifying the Drug War. Like I said, they didn’t want to lose their post-war profit. I thoroughly believe Kennedy was going to turn power back to the People, and the Mob, Russia, and Republicans were afraid of losing control and profit. I could be totally wrong, but I’ll read into what you’re saying.

Oswald verifiably worked in Russia, not for Russia.

He managed to try to defect and live there for a couple years, but they originally refused to extend his visa. Until he cut his wrist and attempted suicide. They ultimately let him stay. He then decided Soviet communism in the early '60's wasn't exactly the utopia he expected and wanted to leave.

When the Berlin wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed, the KGB Oswald files were released. They concluded he was too unstable to be used. They had similar personality conclusions that the Warren Report had. A guy with a lot of problems.

One of the earliest conspiracy authors, Mark Lane had connections with the KBG though. Lane was aIso a lawyer who represented Oswald's mother after the assassination.

It's a complicated and interesting case but you have to sort out the bull shit and concentrate on actual evidence. It took me almost 25 years to do that. I was certain for years it had to be a conspiracy.

But in the end, it was far more simple.

Modern gun violence and mass murders prove there's a lot of nuts out there. Oswald was one of the first in my lifetime.

But you should continue to study the case if you're interested in it. It is a fascinating study of the early '60's. I lived through it. It was an unsettling time to say the least. The end of innocence, for me at least.
Oswald verifiably worked in Russia, not for Russia.

He managed to try to defect and live there for a couple years, but they originally refused to extend his visa. Until he cut his wrist and attempted suicide. They ultimately let him stay. He then decided Soviet communism in the early '60's wasn't exactly the utopia he expected and wanted to leave.

When the Berlin wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed, the KGB Oswald files were released. They concluded he was too unstable to be used. They had similar personality conclusions that the Warren Report had. A guy with a lot of problems.

One of the earliest conspiracy authors, Mark Lane had connections with the KBG though. Lane was aIso a lawyer who represented Oswald's mother after the assassination.

It's a complicated and interesting case but you have to sort out the bull shit and concentrate on actual evidence. It took me almost 25 years to do that. I was certain for years it had to be a conspiracy.

But in the end, it was far more simple.

Modern gun violence and mass murders prove there's a lot of nuts out there. Oswald was one of the first in my lifetime.

But you should continue to study the case if you're interested in it. It is a fascinating study of the early '60's. I lived through it. It was an unsettling time to say the least. The end of innocence, for me at least.
I definitely appreciate the information, brother. I’ll comb through it.