Should you cut off fan leaves during flower( a simple poll just yea or no please)

So for correct air circulation in my 4'x2' tent, I should only have a 1'x3' canopy? That seems grossly inefficient. I scrog from wall to wall, have ample fans above and below and haven't had any issues; and that's with a VPD of 1.0.

You don't need any gap at the edges of a scrog to ensure ample air circulation.

Sorry I was talking about larger spaces, but it's relative (smaller gap). I also run 70+rh and mixing the pot level air with the top helps maintain rh at canopy level (I know through multiple humidity placements). In a smaller space you obviously don't seem to have that issue. I don't mean that as an insult.

It creates a vortex, air circulates under and over canopy constantly, that is, if you have loli popped the lower canopy. This can all be done by the end of week 1 stretch, and, the main upper canopy at the net, setting buds, doesn't have to lose a single leaf.
Sorry I was talking about larger spaces, but it's relative (smaller gap). I also run 70+rh and mixing the pot level air with the top helps maintain rh at canopy level (I know through multiple humidity placements). In a smaller space you obviously don't seem to have that issue. I don't mean that as an insult.

It creates a vortex, air circulates under and over canopy constantly, that is, if you have loli popped the lower canopy. This can all be done by the end of week 1 stretch, and, the main upper canopy at the net, setting buds, doesn't have to lose a single leaf.
I use a 5x5 with 4x4 (and a bit) canopy for ventilation reasons, one thing is i can't get heat down to the pots, during the winter the cold air coming in below the canopy can/will get trapped under their without decent air flow carrying down heat.
Seems like a very touchy subject for you? What do some get irritated with mere opinions? I defol and I know it works to achieve what I desire to achieve, large higher quality buds with zero larf. Seems odd to try to act like you are the better grower because you have a different growing style. I spend hours and hours a week stripping leaves and branches that I know aren’t going to get sufficient light and therefore a waste of my time and my plants energy. Grow as much scraggly larf as you want but don’t act like a little crybaby when somebody has a different method than you. Also since when is growing with gas complicated?? I call bullshit on you calling bullshit noob sorry

Cutting off growth that isn't going to receive any light is not the same thing as cutting off upper leaves that were getting the best light.

It's not a touchy subject to me at all, I'm just balancing this out, the guy didn't even fill his scrog net. You think that's the makings of quality advice? nasty to be nice.
I use a 5x5 with 4x4 (and a bit) canopy for ventilation reasons, one thing is i can't get heat down to the pots, during the winter the cold air coming in below the canopy can/will get trapped under their without decent air flow carrying down heat.

I had that issue with a veg tent, the closest pot always suffered due to low root temps, with slower growth and less watering (even with thermal controlled intake). I used those root warmer radiators, long bars, they lay between pots and spread the heat out niceley. The cold in-take also got moved to the very top, opposite the out take. The cold air then had to fall down through the rising hot air. Those radiators do need to be thermally controled with the probes at pot level, to shut off at your desired pot zone temp. It really made a noticeable difference, the cold air has a little time to warm up before it gets to the pots.