Well-Known Member
So, should we or not get our dogs hi?
Every dog I have learns to not pick up bubble hash off of the kitchen floor.
I think it is the same with humans. Some people like it some dont.
I have dogs that come sit on your lap if you smoke a joint. The dog Im raising now hates it, Ive never seen a dog leave the room or run from smoke as much as she does.
Every dog I have learns to not pick up bubble hash off of the kitchen floor. Some of them can handle the hash, others cant walk, lift their heads or anything. My rottweiler becomes immobile and will piss laying down. Granted we don't purposely give her any.
I used to feed my iguana fresh fan leaves after I would harvest but he would never eat fresh buds lol. He was a picky fucker you could mix his food really well and he would still pick and choose what he wanted and didn't Lol. Hated Bananas and carrots but would destroy some bing cherries and romaine lettuce.
And whenever he saw me smoking he would get really pissed and puff him self up really big and put his beard out. Miss him so effin much. His favorite place in the world was laying on his heating pad on a second story couch that over looked some trees where he would bask in the sunlight and watch the birds and world go by.
"Two dogs died in Colorado from marijuana toxicosis after ingesting butter laced with medical-grade marijuana"
Sounds like that would be a no. Actually I think the whole article was bullshit.
Why do you have bubble hash on your kitchen floor?
I've talked to several veterinarians about this and from what I understand dogs do not metabolize cannabis the same way we do and it can be fatal to them in certain amounts. So a no-go on the edibles. I do however vape one of my dogs pretty regularly, he has cancer and it's been helping him maintain his weight when nothing else is seeming to work.