Should you get your dog Hi?

Is it okay to give your animal a cocaine suppository?? Thoughts people??? He just looks soo tired and sad... :confused: I just wanna cheer him up.
my dog seems happy enough being sober, so I haven't given her any pot. she helps me grow it though :)

I wouldn't be against giving her pot for a medical problem
Not to be a buzzkill, but I have never seen the pineal/DMT thing backed up. i think it's a biochemical "herbin' legend".

I found an abstract suggesting DMT present (quantity not stated) in rat pineal extract, but from an interested source. Until it's reproduced by less-invested researchers (remember cold fusion, anyone?) I'm not climbing aboard. Even then, it needs to be established if there is enough DMT, often enough (or if there is another psychedelic hormone that awaits discovery) to account for the rather grandiose claims of the DMT/consciousness hypothesis ...
I don't get my dog high because she can't tell me whether she wants to get high or not. But I know the little chickee loves when I get too high because I'll roll around on the floor with her and pet her till she gets annoyed with me haha
My dog was acting weird one day. He couldn't move his back legs and when he sat down he'd lean to the side until he fell over. I thought he was bit by a snake or a spider and was freaking out. A few hours later my roommate said the dog ate a ball of resin.
If a persons life is so empty, or they are so simple minded. That the only enjoyment or entertainment they can get is from getting their dog high.
Then they seriously need help.
I had a yorky mix, if you turned your back she would grab a bag and run. She woould sit in your lap and take massive shotguns. She would follow weed around the circle. That 10 lb dog could smoke more than me. She was never forced. She took to natural. I had a pit bull that loved beer. I never offered him any in the beginning. I got tired of him knocking over my beer cans to get a drink. If I drank a beer he did to.
Simple minded. Well why don't you do a google search for animals that get high and drunk in the wild. Kangaroos are known to go int o poppy fields and get wasted. Lots of animal will eat cannabis. Ive lost plants to deer eating them. You like pot why is it a stretch for a dog to get a conatct and "fuck I like this!" Dogs are smart, smart enough to know if they like weed. I don't condone forcing it. Who am I to judge the dog for doing what I'm doing.
You definately shouldnt get your dog high. But if your chillin with a unicorn get that fucker as high as you possibly can. Unicorns loooove weed. I cant tell you how i know this i just do.