Good confirmation of my plans. I do fim. The thing with her is that she is acting as if she has "choked her throat" with the new growth. No noticeable top growth change and the branches are growing . Is the "choking" syndrome possible? FYI - I have nothing to do with her growth but water and 24hr light (2x 150 watt hPS last 2 weeks). She was in a cup on the window sill. Brothers cat knocked it down. Found it, put it back in soil and watered it. This was at about one week from sprout. A few days later the cat nipped at the stalk. It hung virtually lifeless for a few days. Gave her 24hr t5 x 5 bulb (24watt bulbs). all 5 plants were planted from seed at the same time. 3 had no torture, and the smallest one was in the cup with the big lady. After they fell they got separated. The small one went to my brothers room for a couple days. No light. Oops. It stretched like a mother. Put it outside and was gonna let it go. Left it out for around 3 weeks in the LA sun never getting watered. Still here and stopped stretching so we'll see. Since getting 24hr light and water, The only things growing visibly are the leaves.
Sorry for the long read. Here's my setup:
2x 150 watt GPS bulbs
4x4 grow tent - Open frequently for air exchange. Till I get more stuff.
3 gallon pots
Yellow sticky paper (fungus gnats - also catching springtails)
Mosquito bits (fungus gnat larvae)
Hydrogryme - used once