shouldn't my plants be bigger 5 weeks in?

They are very small for 5 weeks, esspecially in DWC. What do the roots look like. I strongly disagree with the "If it's green don't worry about it" comment.

any suggestions on nutes they should have asap? something about them does seem off , they smelll ok, roots look okay even though after 5 weeks the basket is not completely full
You need to post everything about your setup and how you're feeding and post some better pictures. ppm, ph ect...

If the roots are white and have grown down into the water then it's most likely just how you're feeding them.

These are far too small for 5 weeks so just ignore the people saying not to worry about it, they're no help at all, unless
you like 4 months veg.
This one stated from a seed 4/16 using 1/4 strength advanced nutes. I'm maintaining a 200 PPM now. I have doubled my nutes since I started. I feel I'm ready to raise them again but don't know how much I should keep the PPM at. I have been making guesses that are a little educated I suppose but have two others that are doing terrible. The floro fell on those two after I turned them off:wall:. Question will that stop the growth forever? can a plant be stunned so it never grows right. I duplicated everything with the bushy one. do I just maintain a constant ppm and add to it daily if so do I squirt it right into the 5 gallon bucket? I have been removing a half gallon then adding the proper ratio from there.DSCF0708.JPG