You should probably get a DBA, they are usually a small fee, and work on getting the word out. Making some kind of advertising would work. If there is a growstore you frequent, you could make advertising/business cards and pay them finder's fees for getting you work.
I do something similar with trim jobs, but I have to say, clients you get through the public are the absolute worst. You will most likely get a lot of smaller jobs and new growers. Most new growers treat the growstores like they are their personal grow consultants, sending them your way would help you both. It takes a lot of trust to get work from a larger grower.
Its best to get in with one client very well, and building off from the people they know. Once you prove yourself, the work will start to open up and you will grow naturally.
Like I said, a lot of larger growers would love some one to take some work off from their hands. You have to do things how they want them done, not your way. People get OCD when it comes to their grow, and they like things done a certain way. Getting to know each client as an individual will help you a lot.