this is almost done when i took the pics it was day 45 and is now 53 days into bloom.
a day in the life of a she devilberry
hello boys and girls,i am the sister to the ladie pictured above.
i am now 45 days into my blooms according to my "keeper of the garden"
my guy has givem me some mollases today.i believe his ratio is 10 mm to 4 literes of water.that brought the ph to a lovely 6.5.i know he will give me some more mollases on the next watering and then he'll switch to plain water for the remaing 10 to 14 days as to which i will be striped of my flowers.
my keeper says i smell much nicer than my sister.nice mix of lavenders,grapes thats very sweet and glands are also thick and large and oh so sticky.i am covered in the glands from head to toe and yet my night temps are only about 22c and the day time is 25 to 28 according to my keeper that means were not cold temp induced to color up.he says thats realy cool lol.
my flowers are small compared tp my sister but he says i am far more furmer and denser which will help make me more of a keeper.that and my fragrensce are on my side hehe.
i am not as dark as my sister counter part calixis are alot larger too as you will soon see in the wonderfull
my keeper has takin for you
catch ya later