Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only)


Active Member
I use 1000 watts of CFL's in conjunction with floro tubes. Alot of you may scratch your head and say why not go H.I.D
Well alot of reasons.
Heat (but 32 26 watt CFL's putt off heat trust me)
I can not get a HPS or MH in my area, only online, with a credit card, with my adress, name, etc.. uhmm naaah.
CFL's are so freakin universal can put them where you need them. Here are pics from my last harvest of one Indica. I yielded a quarter pound off of one 3 foot plant. using 6 26 watt CFL's and 8 floro tubes for under lighting. At this moment I have 4 5 foot sativas with 900 actual wattage on the canopy and 100 watts from each side (for under canopy) 3000 watt equiv.
They vegged wayyyy too long, I ran into a spider mite prob at an early age and did not want to flower until i eradicated. So I have monsters now.
THey are fighting eachother for space in a 3 foot by 4 foot area in 5 gal buckets of soil. I will yield ALOT. Pics are coming soon. Batteries for camera needed. On a side note ( whats all the bashing and negativity going on? we all grow and or smoke weed in a community, we should all be supportive of each other not destructive.) destructive people rob ganja gardens so keep an eye on them fuckers.

Sick looking buds dude!! You're doing right in that space you got to be upwards of 600 to 800W CFL to put out great yields...are you using a mix or straight 2700K for flowering?

My next grow I am going to use a 4' T5 (200W) two compact flouro (150W) and two 50W LED grow lights in a scrog setup...should be the equivalent of like 800-900W

I also reccomend the High power 50W LED light from HTG;s a nice supplemental light and it is fattening up my colas in conjunction with my current 600WHPS grow of Cheese and Master Kush.

THe Big Buddha Cheese is such a beautiful plant to see in much resin and the calyxs are retarded looking....I love the smoke as well....grows real fast and flowers fast once you've cloned...should be cutting down around day 50-55....Yee---f^$&$in HA!!


Active Member
Ill post some pics today to show you my setup. I use a mix and change them when and where i see fit :)
Thosse pics are my LLAst harvest. My current grow is alot bigger, Ill post pics in a few hours :)


Well-Known Member
well i will do that then but all of the hairs are still very brite so i think i still have a bit of time left... cheers mate thanks for the advice

nice looking girls there! 1000 watts cool does it show up on the bill at all.


Well-Known Member
have u got a link to show me a example of your led light please ... as i wana add as much lumens in my room as possible so i can produce amazin yields


Well-Known Member
your plants look good .... could i use cfls to boost my lumens instead of leds ?

as im runnin x5 600watt hps and will only have 8 plants under each one ...but i heard the more lumens the bigger the buds will get so ive ordered x4 250 watt cfls ( 2 blue spectrum 2 red spectrum )


Well-Known Member
i cant do that with hps tho .... or the leafs would get burnt .... so if i can top my plants at a decent hight and increase the lumens as much as i can .... can i produce double yields per plant ? my room is only 32 m squared in size


Active Member
There are a million variables that control total yields. Light is only a part of that, but a major major in theory..if every thing elses is in check you should get a "better" yield but double im not sure...depends on what you mean by double.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
this was my first grow, wid TWO twenty three watt spiral cfls, 2700k and 5500k, only flowered for bout seven or eight weeks...didnt get shit out of em tho, bout twenty grams off two plants. it was sum good tho...round two is gonna be killin shit, i kinda like CFLs
Not bad dude - I'm gonna use 2 20-watt and 1 24-watt for mine whilst flowering...until then just the 20-watters on my 2 plants and 3 foot square have any ideas on how well I'd do? I may add another higher powered one eventually...

Mitsu racerX

Well-Known Member
Sup peeps just thought I woulds let ya know I'm putting 5 Bubblegum into flower in 2 weeks. hope it goes well, will post pics as soon as possible...