SHOW OFF YOUR TATTOOS!!!!!.....(especially if your a hot girl, LOL)


Well-Known Member
so i wanted to see what kinda ink you stoners have. post it here and youll either get...

A) applauded for the beautiful artowrk
B)clowned for having shit art staining your body for the rest of your life

...feeling brave?LOL
I'm just wondering if the mask is necessary? I mean, I'm sure the ink is a dead giveaway to who you are (if you were being looked for) or recognized by anyone who knew you. Not to mention, if you've ever been brought in on charges, they most likely have your ink documented, therefore, I must ask again -

... Is the mask necessary? Lol.
I'm just wondering if the mask is necessary? I mean, I'm sure the ink is a dead giveaway to who you are (if you were being looked for) or recognized by anyone who knew you. Not to mention, if you've ever been brought in on charges, they most likely have your ink documented, therefore, I must ask again -

... Is the mask necessary? Lol.

ofcourse the mask is necessary bro, i thought you knew. if u cant be a douchebag in your bathroom mirror at your own house where can you be? the sword necessary? ofcourse as well....LOL and yes ive been "brought in" on charges and convicted and sentenced and paroled and now a part of society, but thats irrelevant, i just dont want my face blasted all over the internet, but i appreciate you asking. thanks for stopping by....
dang, no one gonna post no pics then,

thought more would show up, no biggy....back to my grow on my signature, i could use the advice/views/comments
Im glad you rose to the challenge mazand, cool tats you got there. I travel to japan quite alot and cant have tats for that reason alone... your considered part of some f*cked up underworld and are likely to be turned away at the airport. Always wanted some ink though :( Maybe in a discreet location, not sure what my other half would say if i came home with a tat on my dong though, might laugh me out of bed. ;)
LOL, i appreciate all the cool re[lies and its cool to connect with my RIU buddies, but come on guys, you swear people are scanning the internet with pictures of your tattoos on hand and cross referencing with random pictures of peoples tattoos on some weed site to bust you,LOL...its cool tho, im glad to see you guys stop by...

now click on my grow signature and drop a few comments there, might as well...LOL
ofcourse the mask is necessary bro, i thought you knew. if u cant be a douchebag in your bathroom mirror at your own house where can you be? the sword necessary? ofcourse as well....LOL and yes ive been "brought in" on charges and convicted and sentenced and paroled and now a part of society, but thats irrelevant, i just dont want my face blasted all over the internet, but i appreciate you asking. thanks for stopping by....

Did u not just post full face pix of urself in another thread the other night sweety? maybe we should remove them??
Did u not just post full face pix of urself in another thread the other night sweety? maybe we should remove them??

well my gorgeous little french canadian miss april, yes ur right, i did post pictures of myself and yes i also just erased them BUT i live in california sweety and i have chronic insomnia, a medical marijuaan card, i dont sell weed and i have 6 or under plants at any given time...although i appreciate the concern... since your here u might as well post some pics of urself or ur tattoos or that marvelosuy booty since some of the team RIU hasnt seen u yet...?
well my gorgeous little french canadian miss april, yes ur right, i did post pictures of myself and yes i also just erased them BUT i live in california sweety and i have chronic insomnia, a medical marijuaan card, i dont sell weed and i have 6 or under plants at any given time...although i appreciate the concern... since your here u might as well post some pics of urself or ur tattoos or that marvelosuy booty since some of the team RIU hasnt seen u yet...?

LOL ok was not sure if u posted them while burning and forgot , just wanted to make sure u knew u had those up ;)
U already know i'm a fresh canvas sweety, not even a body piercing , don't usualy wear any makeup and my hair is long and natural, I keep shit as real as it gets :)
LOL ok was not sure if u posted them while burning and forgot , just wanted to make sure u knew u had those up ;)
U already know i'm a fresh canvas sweety, not even a body piercing , don't usualy wear any makeup and my hair is long and natural, I keep shit as real as it gets :)

Hopefully not downstairs. Keep it groomed at least.
LOL ok was not sure if u posted them while burning and forgot , just wanted to make sure u knew u had those up ;)
U already know i'm a fresh canvas sweety, not even a body piercing , don't usualy wear any makeup and my hair is long and natural, I keep shit as real as it gets :)
I wish there was more girls that keep it real, but nope all we have now is a bunch of powdered face whores, damn sad thought.