showing balls aready?????


Active Member
ok so here's how it went... on march 26 planted 8 seeds indoors using sun from windows, in the morn east window, afternoon and evening west window.. then on may 4th took them to thier outdoor home. so they have been outside almost 1 month and when i went to check them tonight 1 had its balls hanging out, and need to mention that 1 of the 8 just prior to moving outside was showing male preflowers he was axed, just wondering what would cause the balls to come out this early, the only undo stress it received was rabbits thinking my plants were a buffet, so i sniped off the leaves that had been chewed on and put chicken wire around them to keep the rabbits away... i cant figure out why the males have showen so early, there is still 3 more weeks till the light hours decrease. non of the others are showing any sings of male or female preflowers.
thanks darin:blsmoke::peace:


Active Member
25 views and no idea, i guess it does not matter as long as the other 5 turn female. just thought some one could give me a clue as to why this would happen.


Well-Known Member
It is just the genes of the plant.I've had some that didn't show till 12/12.I have some Blue Dynaamite male that started showing on 18/6.The pollen sacks will open up on 18/6.I crossed it with some of my killer bag seed plants.


Well-Known Member
out of the 43 plants i started with i have 22 left and so far only had 2 males which unfourtantly got killed cause if anyones ganna have it with my bitches its ganna be me :D