Showing these Coloradoans how we do it in Texas!!!


Well-Known Member
Nice man!!

Any brisket secrets? Just got down to TX a few months ago but had the best brisket I have ever tasted down here form a dude that sets up down by San Marcos outlets around the holidays. I think the name was 3 bears BBQ was so good. He said low n slow with oak and a little pecan, oh my god was it good!!

Here is a pork shoulder I did the other day, low and slow 12 hrs at 220 with pecan for smoke. IMG_4668.JPG


Well-Known Member
Nice man!!

Any brisket secrets? Just got down to TX a few months ago but had the best brisket I have ever tasted down here form a dude that sets up down by San Marcos outlets around the holidays. I think the name was 3 bears BBQ was so good. He said low n slow with oak and a little pecan, oh my god was it good!!

Here is a pork shoulder I did the other day, low and slow 12 hrs at 220 with pecan for smoke. View attachment 3598059
If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret. But start with the best beef you can buy..

Low and slow. Gotta have the right rubs. And usually brown sugar is what causes it to burn. So wait until later to use any sugars..


Well-Known Member
lol gotcha on the secrets, I interrogated the 3 bears guy and he was only saying so much. Never tried fig, and just started using the pecan after having that brisket, but thats seems to be what everyone is using here, oak and pecan I can smell it here in the ant farm any time one of the neighbors is BBQing. I brought a bunch of alder down from AK with me, thats one of my favorites but am loving the pecan right now.

Yessir the rub is where the magic starts for sure, I have a pretty good recipe. I think the biggest thing with dry rubs is really giving them time to absorb into the meat. I usually do that the day before she goes on the grill.

I need to find the right place to buy meat here. I have looked at the brisket at the HEB , seems like they go through a ton but have not tried any yet. I am still figuring this place out.

This thread is making me want to jump in the truck and head to the Big Bib and grab some bbq!!
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Well-Known Member
I rocked out a brisket the other day...damn sure wish I had a smoker tho.. boiled mine in 7up for 6 hrs then browned and bbq'ed it on the was like butta. Buddy of mine marinates his ribs in pinapple juice and chunks for 12 hrs..swears by it..something to do with the acids breaking down those tuff meats


Well-Known Member
I know a couple of people that do it different ways. I personally like to trim about half the fat off and cut fat side up. My brother doesn't trim any fat and cooks fat side down. And my mother trims all the fat off. And cooks fat side up.

All are good..


Well-Known Member
Nice set up.

I just did my first ribs in an electric smoker and they came out pretty good. I just need to make a few tweaks and my Super Bowl ribs are going to be sick.

I'm doing some beef jerky in the next few days.


Well-Known Member
I rocked out a brisket the other day...damn sure wish I had a smoker tho.. boiled mine in 7up for 6 hrs then browned and bbq'ed it on the was like butta. Buddy of mine marinates his ribs in pinapple juice and chunks for 12 hrs..swears by it..something to do with the acids breaking down those tuff meats
You can't lose with pineapple. Damn I love grilled pineapple . Also a fun plant to grow.


Well-Known Member
Where is the bacon when ever we do it we also place 10 pounds of bacon strips on top of roast brings a new meaning to mouth watering


Well-Known Member
Nice set up.

I just did my first ribs in an electric smoker and they came out pretty good. I just need to make a few tweaks and my Super Bowl ribs are going to be sick.

I'm doing some beef jerky in the next few days.
Electric smokers are the best imo. But they take a long time to season the smoker. If you have access to wood run it without meat for like a week straight. Buying them used is best..