DONT BOIL!!!!!!!!! rise heat till you see steam comming up when you stir, then lower to simmer!!!! if you boiul water, throw seeds away. You killed the nutrional value of the seeds. one more time:
-pour seeds into pot.
-fill with water
-massage and toss seeds
-tilt pot or use fish net to remove "floaters"
-dump into strainer, and rinse
-repeat above till the water in pot is clear, and all crap is washed off seeds
-when its clear, cover pot 24 hours
-pour in strainer and let sit for 1 hour with paper towel on top to keep top seeds from drying out
-fill jars 1/2 way and cover with aluminum foil, and put on lid UPSIDE DOWN(rubber side up)
-put on ring and pressure cook at 30PSi for 1 hour
-turn off stove top and let sit over night, or min 12 hours
-use glovebox, or STERILIZE a bathroom or small clost with oust and/or bleach H20 blend.
-innoculate jars and then cover with coffee filer, and use rubber band to hold tight
this will be all you need to know. Ther rest after you get this far you can read on to not overload your brain!