Shroom tips..


Well-Known Member
boomers are tooooooo iffy in my book, you aether will have a great time, or one of the shittiest, scariest times of your life... just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
well, lets hope its the best time going to prob be doing it with at leasat 2 other ppl..and, i like the shroom chai tea idea. It, sounds great. Whats some of the best and worst trips you all have had?


Well-Known Member
Oh, I just smoked with my friend that got busted yesterday. He called me and said he didnt care..his court date is the 29th....he does some viniger shot thing to pass..but anyway, its going to be me and 3 other people, and we are going out on this dudes land. He has like 400 acres, and its going to be soooo chill out there.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe noone else mentioned this.

Do not take them if you are in a bad mood. I smoke weed to put me in a good mood. if you take shrooms when you are flustered, nervous, scared, or mad or in anyway upset you are almost garunteed a bad trip.


Well-Known Member
Yea, that one i kinda knew..I heard that if you arnt having a great day, then you can have a bad one. I was also told to make sure i have a great day.