Has any one gone hunting for shrooms in hawaii? Oahu to be specific?
So whats gonna happen when you eat a mushroom that you think is "psilocybin" and a dangerous species and you end up dead somehwere no wear to be found in forest.....I'm just explaining the obviousLooking for people that know the spots here, not the identification of psilocybin.
there is a guy at UH Hilo who is an expert mushroom dude and talks about all the available shrooms found (even psychotropic) in the state. He usually gives regular lectures out in the community. i think he has a book, pick it up, he is the only guy i would trust, besides the uncle's here, to know what he is talking about . aloha, good luck on your hunt.
Do people a favor, leave a bit of the mushroom you ate on your kitchen table so doctors will know what sort of poison you injested
This topic gets discussed over and over and over again here.
It seems that the uninitiated believe that a large percentage of all mushrooms are psychoactive. they are not. There are a number of them that are but not enough to tilt the scales toward every other little brown mushroom you see in your front yard being something valuable. There are hundreds of thousands of different types of mushrooms.
Most of them are not deadly. Some of the deadly mushrooms don't taste good or are even inedible but there are more deadly mushroom type than there are psychoactive types. So your odds are higher that you will be sick eating a mushroom than that you will get high eating it.
Even experts have been fooled and have gotten sick or died from their identifications. As I have said, even people who know their particular strain have inadvertantly picked a "companion" mushroom, one that looks much like their target mushroom, along with their target. After all of them are dried it is impossible for a person without a scanning electron microscope to tell the difference and so one may get sick even when they are very competent with ... say.... liberty bells. As I have mentioned, imagine getting high and while high, getting stomach cramps, now it could be that you got the cramps from bacteria on the mushrooms you ate - it happens. It could be that you ate them along with a tainted taco, but it could be that you ate one or two of something that even as you are tripping, is destroying your liver.
Is this sort of thing worth it? I don't know, but I do know that a rank novice has no business eating foraged mushrooms unless they are puff balls or shaggy manes (or possibly oyster) in North America.
Soooooooooo...Where's the spots on Oahu to pick shrooms? The topic you've discussed belongs in its own thread instead of derailing mine..troll
I don't think you got the point - someone who is an expert in mushrooms in one area is about the same as a novice in another area. I try to help other people who read these threads besides the OP. If I happen to have a single person think twice before he injests something that he just knows is a "good" mushroom but is not, then it will have been worth dealing with your lack of respect. There are plenty of books and more importantly local keys that you can find that would be far more beneficial than anything anyone here can offer.
"having picked them before" is no guarantee of your picking the right ones this time. Mushrooms look like other various mushrooms during different portions of their life cycle. An inky cap will look almost exactly like a shaggy in the earliest stages - and as I've said an inky cap will make you damn sick if you eat it and drink alcohol at the same time.
One more thing. I have found in my over 40 years of being involved in everything mushroom that attitude is everything. Being humble not only helps you encounter that which you seek but also helps ensure that the spirit of the mushroom will not smack you square in your ego. there is nothing quite so serious as being scolded by a mushroom and humility is always wise.
good luck.