Shroomin virgin :O

Should I smoke weed while on shrooms? :O

  • Fuck yeah dude!

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • take it easy bro. no.

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Fuck it.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yo! So tomorrow Ill be shroomin for the first time. Ive done endless amounts of research on it, but never have gottin the tits to try it. Ive done acid many times, rolld COUNTLESS times:roll: hahah and plenty of other fun stuff. I feel like Im ready for it and I wanna trip pretty hard. Its going to be at my friends birthday party and Ill be the only one doin them. Were gonna have at least an ounce. Ive been looking around at different sites with no hard answer to this question. Is it fine to smoke weed whilst shrooming? I hope someone has an answer for me because I love smokin weed and I wouldn't want to get fucked in the ass because of the combo. You feel me?


Well-Known Member
Yo! So tomorrow Ill be shroomin for the first time. Ive done endless amounts of research on it, but never have gottin the tits to try it. Ive done acid many times, rolld COUNTLESS times:roll: hahah and plenty of other fun stuff. I feel like Im ready for it and I wanna trip pretty hard. Its going to be at my friends birthday party and Ill be the only one doin them. Were gonna have at least an ounce. Ive been looking around at different sites with no hard answer to this question. Is it fine to smoke weed whilst shrooming? I hope someone has an answer for me because I love smokin weed and I wouldn't want to get fucked in the ass because of the combo. You feel me?
yes its perfectly fine smoking weed while shroomin :)
Sweet. My friend(birthday boy) doesnt know Im bringing them so Im just gonna sit my self on his bed, whip out my bag of shrooms, and snarff those puppies down!! Ill probly have the munchies by that time anyways haha


Active Member
The weed will bring the high up again on mushrooms, it can really be intense sometimes mixing the two when in full bloom but its a brilliant combination in the later stages. Be prepared for some sloppy bowls and joints though.


Active Member
You can ATTEMPT to smoke a bowl while shroomin but good luck!! You can have a pipe in one hand, your stash in the other, and still have NO idea WTF you were doing 20 seconds ago!!
If you can manage to get one together and actualy remember to smoke the whole thing, it can set you off into another peak!

Also if you smoke cigs, I recomend buying an extra pack before tripping. I would be craving a cig, look down and realize I already had one in my hand that had smoked itself. Then I'd light up another one and smoke half before I forgot about it too lol!!

Have fun, I'm jealous as hell!! Last weekend some of us got some acid and it was bunk :( Not a fun night. I'm currently looking for some shrooms around me to make up for it haha
The weed will bring the high up again on mushrooms, it can really be intense sometimes mixing the two when in full bloom but its a brilliant combination in the later stages. Be prepared for some sloppy bowls and joints though.
usually im the only guy put togetther enough to load up.....THE TIDES HAVE CHANGED!


Well-Known Member
ZipDrive is right about that. I've sat for hours with a bowl in my hand just wishing I could remember how to light it. lol


New Member
Just because you can doesnt mean ya have to. You know whats weed like. Shrooms alone are perfect. there amazing. No need to mix it with weed. Experience shrooms without anything else first time


Well-Known Member
You can ATTEMPT to smoke a bowl while shroomin but good luck!! You can have a pipe in one hand, your stash in the other, and still have NO idea WTF you were doing 20 seconds ago!!
If you can manage to get one together and actualy remember to smoke the whole thing, it can set you off into another peak!

Also if you smoke cigs, I recomend buying an extra pack before tripping. I would be craving a cig, look down and realize I already had one in my hand that had smoked itself. Then I'd light up another one and smoke half before I forgot about it too lol!!

Have fun, I'm jealous as hell!! Last weekend some of us got some acid and it was bunk :( Not a fun night. I'm currently looking for some shrooms around me to make up for it haha
Yes, I have had that happen before. It's been about 8 years since I have done any shrooms and even longer for acid. As far as smoking weed while shroomin, I would think that if they are good shrooms you probably will want to smoke when they first start kicking in and on the come down but not during the peak cause you will be wasted. I usually eat about a 1/2 quater and if they are good, I have one hell of a night.


Well-Known Member
Smoke till they kick in, weeeeeeeeeeeeee for the peak where you will prolly forget to smoke, then smoke on the comedown for another short peak then beddy-by. Have fun dude! I remember my first time well, made tea from five pounds of shrooms from the cow fields with a buddy and had the most awesome trip of my life out by a lake where the forest came alive, then came back and watched the furniture melt whilst laying on the floor.


Well-Known Member
"Fuck Yeah Dude!' go for it, unless you want to experience the shrooms on their own (which to is an experience all to it self). I smoked a real strong sativa and shroomed once, and I was shanti for hours lol, somewhere else but peaceful hehe


New Member
The answer is YES.

-Marijuana counter-acts the nausea that mushrooms create.

Every time I have tripped, (Somewheres around 18-20 times) I have smoked weed.


Well-Known Member
i like to smoke before the trip comes and dependin on my mood, on the come down, otherwise i find that its a waste during the trip, if i smoke while im trippin its because im acting on impulse, or sum1 passed it to me, and even then i sumtimes turn it down, just depend on how im feelin


Well-Known Member
Oh god.. Lol have a good time dude! Smoking is amazing on mushrooms, I always feel like on acid smoking does nothing but when Im on mushrooms smoking sends me off into wonderland :)

Id feed someone else so your not the only one though.. Perhaps birthday boy :p
Oh god.. Lol have a good time dude! Smoking is amazing on mushrooms, I always feel like on acid smoking does nothing but when Im on mushrooms smoking sends me off into wonderland :)

Id feed someone else so your not the only one though.. Perhaps birthday boy :p
Yeah I was thinkin about it....dont wanna eat all of it on the first time lol


Well-Known Member
Carefull with the weed, for some strange reason it often darkens a shroom trip.


Active Member
Smoke if you want to unless the shit gets deep and then you'll be too busy admiring the Aztec deities swirling on the ceiling.