Shrooms or Acid?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Cannado... sorry if i misspelled that lol.

But anyways, for me i feel a huge obligation to have some control over my trip. Yes it's good to let loose and let the substance take you to new places but it's still good to be responsible a long the way. Yes i enjoy psychedelics very much, but the last thing i want to do is eat to many dose's/mushrooms freak out and blow my brains out... I worry about this because one time i did go a little overboard and had a really bad acid trip and to be honest if we had a gun in our house i probably wouldnt be here now because i was just that out of it... To this day it scares me to think about how fucked and ass backwards my logic was at that point...


Well-Known Member
Cannado... sorry if i misspelled that lol.

But anyways, for me i feel a huge obligation to have some control over my trip. Yes it's good to let loose and let the substance take you to new places but it's still good to be responsible a long the way. Yes i enjoy psychedelics very much, but the last thing i want to do is eat to many dose's/mushrooms freak out and blow my brains out... I worry about this because one time i did go a little overboard and had a really bad acid trip and to be honest if we had a gun in our house i probably wouldnt be here now because i was just that out of it... To this day it scares me to think about how fucked and ass backwards my logic was at that point...
Good to have you with us dude :)


Well-Known Member
Cannado... sorry if i misspelled that lol.

But anyways, for me i feel a huge obligation to have some control over my trip. Yes it's good to let loose and let the substance take you to new places but it's still good to be responsible a long the way. Yes i enjoy psychedelics very much, but the last thing i want to do is eat to many dose's/mushrooms freak out and blow my brains out... I worry about this because one time i did go a little overboard and had a really bad acid trip and to be honest if we had a gun in our house i probably wouldnt be here now because i was just that out of it... To this day it scares me to think about how fucked and ass backwards my logic was at that point...
same thing happened to my friend. except he actually tried to kill himself and thankfully failed. probably wouldnt be here today if i wasnt with him. and i was this close to not chillin with him.


Well-Known Member
same thing happened to my friend. except he actually tried to kill himself and thankfully failed. probably wouldnt be here today if i wasnt with him. and i was this close to not chillin with him.
I have a guy who told me his drug of preference was acid. He still speaks with love when he talks about it. He got institutionalised twice from heroic doses but he said he saw his friend try and kill himself kicking and screaming in front of him before being sent to the mental institute and has quit the whole thing, 6 years clean now. He also said he had a great deal of flashbacks through time but they aren`t around nowadays.

When I talked to him about taking psychedelics he said do mushrooms and not acid as it causes flashbacks. I`m gonna take that on board as don`t do too much acid :) Saying that, thats why I`m not pushing my dose cos 1 blotter is fine enough.


Well-Known Member
I have a guy who told me his drug of preference was acid. He still speaks with love when he talks about it. He got institutionalised twice from heroic doses but he said he saw his friend try and kill himself kicking and screaming in front of him before being sent to the mental institute and has quit the whole thing, 6 years clean now. He also said he had a great deal of flashbacks through time but they aren`t around nowadays.

When I talked to him about taking psychedelics he said do mushrooms and not acid as it causes flashbacks. I`m gonna take that on board as don`t do too much acid :) Saying that, thats why I`m not pushing my dose cos 1 blotter is fine enough.
my friend was on 3 eighths of some hella bomb mushrooms when this happened.


Well-Known Member
ahh these stories are scary since the same thing happened to me once. I wasn't fully conscious, because one minute I was having a really bad trip pacing in circles, and the next thing I remember was rocking back and forth on my bed with a loaded pistol. Luckily I came to.... and locked that shit up. I have to say this was while I wasn't very experienced with psychedelics.

I can't remember if it was mush or doses, but it was one of those 2.

As for acid causing flashbacks... I've always been the one that believes any traumatic experience can cause flashbacks. You hear about war vets having flashbacks and going crazy. It doesn't have to be because of drugs. More than likely, it's a pre-existing condition that surfaces after a traumatic experience.


Well-Known Member
ahh these stories are scary since the same thing happened to me once. I wasn't fully conscious, because one minute I was having a really bad trip pacing in circles, and the next thing I remember was rocking back and forth on my bed with a loaded pistol. Luckily I came to.... and locked that shit up. I have to say this was while I wasn't very experienced with psychedelics.

I can't remember if it was mush or doses, but it was one of those 2.

As for acid causing flashbacks... I've always been the one that believes any traumatic experience can cause flashbacks. You hear about war vets having flashbacks and going crazy. It doesn't have to be because of drugs. More than likely, it's a pre-existing condition that surfaces after a traumatic experience.
has anybody gotten ptsd from pychs?


Well-Known Member
has anybody gotten ptsd from pychs?
good question. did a little google, couldn't find any. it says some people with PTSD were actually treated with psychs....mainly MDMA (which i hardly consider a psychedelic).

I bet it's possible, though. I know I've had trips that could easily be as frightening as being in the middle of a battlefield watching peoples' heads getting blown off. No PTSD for me. (or maybe I do)

Not a big fan of all the new age labels. In the day, you were either a wimp, or a soldier, or somewhere inbetween.... So much easier that way =P now we have labels for everything.


Well-Known Member
Feeling like the right moment to ask a question,

On Lucy, this dose seemed slightly higher than the norm last time. There was a distinct "blur" to what I was seeing. A blur not like a normal one, but a little more colourful type thing. Is that the very beginnings of having so hard visuals you can`t see or was it just my contacts drying up?
I rarely got blurr so much as clutter.


Well-Known Member
die from an overdose of shrooms? not gonna happen, i doubt there is a person on this site that could ingest enough shrooms to die, they kick in before you can eat a half ounce dried...
Yeah I found that out AFTER my trip. I wish someone told me before i tripped, so im fuckin trippin balls cuz ppl were like omg you might be overdosing, and than i was hella thinkin about it, my feet and hands got cold and clammy dude, everything sounded so depressing around me.. like its hard to explain but it was as if the tone in peoples voices sounded like a "whats the use in even talking?"

Like toy story 3 just they had really awkward pauses when they talk to each other.. and i was under the impression they were about to stop talking because they were noticing I was gonna go away.

Than a couple months back some guy said ud need to eat a lot before ya die.

But heres one id love for you to clarify me on, For ac!d either u trip or u dont.. for shrooms.. either you have good shrooms on POISENOUS ones, so we dont needa worry about overdosing, but what about the ones that would kill you? oo0o

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Good to have you with us dude :smile:
Thanks, im happy to be here!

same thing happened to my friend. except he actually tried to kill himself and thankfully failed. probably wouldnt be here today if i wasnt with him. and i was this close to not chillin with him.
Glad you came to his aid, i can really appreciate that!

My situation was similar, i was all by myself lost in my own mind and if my friends wouldn't have came to my end im pretty sure i would have found some way to end it. Initially i had 4 blotters cut out and at the last second i decided to only eat 3... SO SO glad i did, i probably would have gone completely crazy.

ahh these stories are scary since the same thing happened to me once. I wasn't fully conscious, because one minute I was having a really bad trip pacing in circles, and the next thing I remember was rocking back and forth on my bed with a loaded pistol. Luckily I came to.... and locked that shit up. I have to say this was while I wasn't very experienced with psychedelics.

I can't remember if it was mush or doses, but it was one of those 2.

As for acid causing flashbacks... I've always been the one that believes any traumatic experience can cause flashbacks. You hear about war vets having flashbacks and going crazy. It doesn't have to be because of drugs. More than likely, it's a pre-existing condition that surfaces after a traumatic experience.
Wow man, glad you came to your senses, that's some scary shit! I hear ya on the pacing though, i seriously paced circles again again blind as a bat ripping out clumps and clumps of hair from my head just repeating nonsense over and over again.

But i agree, i think flashbacks do come from overly traumatic experiences and im sure they can be attributed to all sorts of psychedelics. One time me and two of my best friends tripped out, i ate 2-3 doses, my other buddy ate 2-3, and our other buddy ate anywhere from 6-8 hit's of some REALLY potent dose, needless to say i spent the whole night trying to bring him back down from the idea that he was going to die, i mean he was so mortified that death was around the corner for us all. He told me sometime later that after we went to bed he laid on my couch and literally thought he was on a battle field sitting in a fox hole while bullets where flying all around him, he said people where dieing all around him... It took him almost a year to recover from this experience and even to the day i think it somewhat still plagues him.


Well-Known Member
anyway about shrooms.
Can anyone tell me why everytime i trip on shrooms or Ac!d why characters in movies seem more depressing? im a VERY high energetic positive person, but when I put on a movie.. it seems too slow for me, everyones talking in a monotone voice as if they are tired from talking, and there are awkward pauses in between talking.. I seriously feel like im dying when i have to watch it.. and things seem more quiet than usual...

Than I blast some fuckin Rebelution and things go back to normal.


Well-Known Member
I recall a time when a friend had taken a previously unknown dose. Just after he did that he ate some LSA that I had made. He found me and told me about it about an hour after he had done so. He convinced me to do the same but I was over an hour behind him. I later determined that the acid was about 500 ug and I have no idea how much LSA we ate, lots. We had not tried it yet and had no idea what it would do at all. I think we thought it was probably an abortion and wouldn't do a thing. What happened was a strange sort of horror show. He kept getting higher and going to one edge after another, telling me between waves that it was just too much and more was coming, as he couldn't get out a coherent thought at the peak of each wave.

And there I was - AN HOUR BEHIND HIM. I previewed exactly what would be happening to me in about an hour. Strangely our wave peaks seemed to sync. The trip was one of the most powerful I had had, and frankly it didn't, on it's own take me to nervous places but the fact that I could see how much trouble my friend was having and then realize that I was headed for that very place had me pretty close to freaking every time he could talk. Trying to fathom that time bridge was wild as well. You don't really know what an "hour" is but you know what a circle is and when that pointer on that "clock" goes all the way around that circle, you will be experienceing what your friend, who is currently unable to speak but clearly has something to say, is experiencing right now.

Of course no one considered killing themselves, so there's that.


Well-Known Member
how do you measure that out? I just have a scale that reads to the hundreths, looked to get one that reads to the thousandths but only up to 20G

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
I would love to try shrooms and lucy but havent been able to get any yet :( but has anyone done both before or is that too intense