Shrooms PTSD

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Y'all heard about my traumatizing shroom trip so i'm wondering if i do acid again which i find a lot more relaxed and less over whelming then shrooms with a good environment would it reset the bad trip? or should i just not touch it again and slowly recover it which i'm already doing, ppl have told me i should do it again to reset it but the more ppl that assure me the less skeptical i'll be haha, and that's not the type of thing you want before a trip.
Still can't understand this, acid doesn't necessarily cause anxiety for me but it is no where near as relaxed and constant as mushrooms. I guess you have to go by your own personal experience and let us know how it goes.
If there is a hint of fear/doubt/nervousness somewhere in your mind, there is a good chance it will come out in your trip and become amplified.

It's best to leave it alone untill you can get your mind right. Do some research and expand your knowledge about the drug, I've found this often relieves some lingering anxieties. When you read things like "psilocybin is less toxic for your body than the caffeine in your morning coffee" or how many people have wonderful life changing experiences while taking LSD, it can't help but to calm some fears and anxiety.

Combine that with some meditation and you should be able to put yourself in a good head space.

Remember: Set(mindset) and Setting are huge.
Clear your mind and focus on the intent behind eating the mushrooms. If you had a bad experience in the past there was something that triggered it, you have to realize that and that you can change the trip you are in by refocusing yourself and your intent. I've always felt good on mushrooms but now refocusing my intent I go deep, I feel as if I meet someone EVERY SINGLE TIME I've tripped for the last half dozen to a dozen trips. And that is solely because when I start my trip I realize
Its gonna change my perception on a lot of things. Probably teach me at least one new thing about myself and the world. Focus your mind clear your thoughts be one with the moment. Meditate for a bit. Then eat your mushrooms kid!
If there is a hint of fear/doubt/nervousness somewhere in your mind, there is a good chance it will come out in your trip and become amplified.

It's best to leave it alone untill you can get your mind right. Do some research and expand your knowledge about the drug, I've found this often relieves some lingering anxieties. When you read things like "psilocybin is less toxic for your body than the caffeine in your morning coffee" or how many people have wonderful life changing experiences while taking LSD, it can't help but to calm some fears and anxiety.

Combine that with some meditation and you should be able to put yourself in a good head space.

Remember: Set(mindset) and Setting are huge.
Great advice btw.
Clear your mind and focus on the intent behind eating the mushrooms. If you had a bad experience in the past there was something that triggered it, you have to realize that and that you can change the trip you are in by refocusing yourself and your intent. I've always felt good on mushrooms but now refocusing my intent I go deep, I feel as if I meet someone EVERY SINGLE TIME I've tripped for the last half dozen to a dozen trips. And that is solely because when I start my trip I realize
Its gonna change my perception on a lot of things. Probably teach me at least one new thing about myself and the world. Focus your mind clear your thoughts be one with the moment. Meditate for a bit. Then eat your mushrooms kid!
I just remembered something. You were saying something once about hearing some woman's voice leading you into/through something?
Well a few trips ago. I had this cev that was more of a vision occur. Nowadays, a majority of my cevs are visions. Anyway. There was a dark room. A dark table in the center. Around ping pong table size and shape. I saw a thin caucasion, young dark haired lady bent over the table. Wearing a black turtle neck with dark jeans. In the center of the table was a prism. Size of a blender. It was held up by a rod on a littlt circle stand. And from over head just behind her was a light being directed towards the prism. The prism was reminiscent of the dark side of the moon cover. Everything looked really normal. I just thought. OK. A vision of some ordinary stuff. Then...
Here's the interesting part. Every few seconds. I would feel my energies build up. The young woman would shift the prism slightly to the left or right. At that exact same moment. Something within reality would occur. Either it being my fridge condenser activating. Or a passing car u honking. Or some random object falling over in my home. Which I was not close to. Another part of this vision was communication. After the first few prism manipulations I began to think things like "did that just happen?" and "Oh wow.". Each time I would do so the lady would either nod. Or give me some other gesture of acknowledgement. Almost as if she was performing a test of some sort.
More transpired. But I will save that for a later time.
Treat all psychedelics with a healthy respect none of them are easier going then the next...2cb is one of the happiest and easiest trips around but just a bit to much on your pinky and your melted into the floor being assaulted by fractals from god that are hell bent on your destruction...basically treat all psychedelics with the same respect you have for mushrooms now...

By the way mushrooms caught me to...had to quit ALL psychs for years because of one innocent 3.5 gram trip that just destroyed me...taught me a lot to...I'll never forget you deadhead guy from tempe az your mushrooms changed everything
Treat all psychedelics with a healthy respect none of them are easier going then the next...2cb is one of the happiest and easiest trips around but just a bit to much on your pinky and your melted into the floor being assaulted by fractals from god that are hell bent on your destruction...basically treat all psychedelics with the same respect you have for mushrooms now...

By the way mushrooms caught me to...had to quit ALL psychs for years because of one innocent 3.5 gram trip that just destroyed me...taught me a lot to...I'll never forget you deadhead guy from tempe az your mushrooms changed everything
Damn straight. Respect.
Treat all psychedelics with a healthy respect none of them are easier going then the next...2cb is one of the happiest and easiest trips around but just a bit to much on your pinky and your melted into the floor being assaulted by fractals from god that are hell bent on your destruction...basically treat all psychedelics with the same respect you have for mushrooms now...

By the way mushrooms caught me to...had to quit ALL psychs for years because of one innocent 3.5 gram trip that just destroyed me...taught me a lot to...I'll never forget you deadhead guy from tempe az your mushrooms changed everything

my bad shroom trip was off 4.5 g's of strong cubes, or maybe a bit less because of the weight of the baggy when i scaled it, but tripped on that by myself which went as bad as it could possibly go, and yeah i'll never forgot what the guy told me who sold em to me "take twice as much the next day to get the same effect" that factor didn't go me it blew the head clean off me lol. I really like my acid not a big fan of shrooms, objects confuse the shit out of me, unpredictable, and i get bad nausea from it also, seems like i got a weak stomach.
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The mushrooms let you know that your not ready for the mushroom.
Sounds like you just consume for recreational purpose.
If so, maybe stick to the acid. It won't throw all your own negativity back at you so hard.

Best of luck.
The mushrooms let you know that your not ready for the mushroom.
Sounds like you just consume for recreational purpose.
If so, maybe stick to the acid. It won't throw all your own negativity back at you so hard.

Best of luck.

yeah my life has been 99% negativity so far so guaranteed why lol
sounds like tripping has instigated some sorrow for You @Mr. Bongwater.
am I mistaken? or is this true???


instead of tripping, I feel One should meditate and do yoga.
yoga for preparation for the meditation / rewiring Ones physical body
and meditation for rewiring One's spiritual body ... all assist in the WHOLE.
Holistic Health - Body, Mind, and Spirit