Shrooms ROI

I don't know how to get rid of them. Even if I went through the trouble and they weren't tampled on by whoever graces the area in which they are planted, I don't think I'd produce enough to even be interested. I thought I could give them away as a bonus when handing off weed. I think most people who smoke are not interested in these things.

Am I wrong? If so, do people actually BUY these things? It seems like no work at all for personal consumption.
You're too old to get rid of them, man LoL. I used to sell them in high school. You'd be suprised how much money you can make off them. But, of course, we used to raid cow pastures at night and get two or three garbage bags full. I don't know how much you'd be able to get growing your own...Raid some cow pastures if there's any in your area.:blsmoke:
You're too old to get rid of them, man LoL. I used to sell them in high school. You'd be suprised how much money you can make off them. But, of course, we used to raid cow pastures at night and get two or three garbage bags full. I don't know how much you'd be able to get growing your own...Raid some cow pastures if there's any in your area.:blsmoke:

Yeah man, I grew up in Pasco/Hillsboro county Florida. I've been in fields where you couldn't pick all the DD. I call them DD cause they are huge down there, like some Double D Deacos, lol!
Yeah man, I grew up in Pasco/Hillsboro county Florida. I've been in fields where you couldn't pick all the DD. I call them DD cause they are huge down there, like some Double D Deacos, lol!
Haha I grew up not too far away in Palm Beach county. So you know what I'm talking about. I don't know if this is true but from all the places I've lived Fla is the shroom capital of America. Jupiter Farms is a great place to go shroomin:mrgreen::peace:
I am not sure I understand the thought that shroomy growing couldn't be profitable. it depends on your ability to produce sufficient product and generate the market. producing the product is not a challenge. it is no more difficult than those that have 100+ plants in their monster do they move that product.....anyhow, I guess I just wantede to dispell the myth about growing sufficient volume. thats a personal choice - not mine, but I've seen some awesome production conveyors for shrooms, and there are a ton o buyers if you fgo to find them.....not for me...but for those that have the entrepenurial spirit, the option is certainly there for them to pursue it. so do a bunch of trays of these golden teachers...and off ya go!


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Haha I grew up not too far away in Palm Beach county. So you know what I'm talking about. I don't know if this is true but from all the places I've lived Fla is the shroom capital of America. Jupiter Farms is a great place to go shroomin:mrgreen::peace:

If I am not mistaken Florida is/use to be the shroom capital of the world. I am not kidding, I have picked tons of mushrooms when I was growing up, tons. I knew where there was 4 different fields and I tried picking them all, or at least the ones that already released their spores(want more next time, lol). I would end up with garbage bags full of dehydrated mushrooms, caps round as my head. Nobody wanted to but any there though, product and demand, too much product and LSD for $1 a hit. This was back before 99 when they developed all the fields into malls, schools, gas stations, houses, everything is developed over where I grew up. I did find 3 in a parking lot 1 time, just growing in a grass devider in a little clump(it used to be a field). Never thought that could happen!
I am not sure I understand the thought that shroomy growing couldn't be profitable. it depends on your ability to produce sufficient product and generate the market. producing the product is not a challenge. it is no more difficult than those that have 100+ plants in their monster do they move that product.....anyhow, I guess I just wantede to dispell the myth about growing sufficient volume. thats a personal choice - not mine, but I've seen some awesome production conveyors for shrooms, and there are a ton o buyers if you fgo to find them.....not for me...but for those that have the entrepenurial spirit, the option is certainly there for them to pursue it. so do a bunch of trays of these golden teachers...and off ya go!

I suppose I was too vague. I could easily take on a 100 plant production and get rid of it. All through less than a dozen people. I am not looking to make junkies out of people, and especially for $100 a zip. I understand there is a market, but I am TOTALLY not interested in competing with jobless high school kids with trash bags full of free shrooms. Just not my style. I'd rather take on a market with REAL value to it, both ethically and financially.
Thanks. No worries...your right. There is a market for just about any mind altering substance out there. But you know what they say...

If it don't make don't make sense.
I suppose I was too vague. I could easily take on a 100 plant production and get rid of it. All through less than a dozen people. I am not looking to make junkies out of people, and especially for $100 a zip. I understand there is a market, but I am TOTALLY not interested in competing with jobless high school kids with trash bags full of free shrooms. Just not my style. I'd rather take on a market with REAL value to it, both ethically and financially.

Are you kidding me? You are going to attack me for picking something you are interested in growing, you are a fucking idiot. Who says I am a high school kid and jobless? I could afford your hooker wife 1 million times over every night till I die buddy, LMFAO!
Are you kidding me? You are going to attack me for picking something you are interested in growing, you are a fucking idiot. Who says I am a high school kid and jobless? I could afford your hooker wife 1 million times over every night till I die buddy, LMFAO!
Huh? What are you talking about? I didn't know I was married..or that you were a high schooler...or jobless....or why you feel threatened?
I suppose I was too vague. I could easily take on a 100 plant production and get rid of it. All through less than a dozen people. I am not looking to make junkies out of people, and especially for $100 a zip. I understand there is a market, but I am TOTALLY not interested in competing with jobless high school kids with trash bags full of free shrooms. Just not my style. I'd rather take on a market with REAL value to it, both ethically and financially.
I hope that wasn't a shot at me:?
Have you ever done shrooms bro?
Trust me, your not going to make junkies out of people. I used to do them everyday over the summer and then when school started I quit cold-turkey. And I'm talkin 10-20 caps a day. Never found myself jonesin for shrooms LoL. I haven't done them since high school, but definitely one of my favorite drugs.
Haha wow.... If two more people think that high school statement was shot at them I will concede that I should have worded it a different way. Oh and as for the junkie statement I didn't mean dependency. I just meant that I would need to expand the market for such a product. People who want it don't know me...and I am happy believing that they already have steady/aple supply. Nope never done shrooms. Don't want to.
Haha wow.... If two more people think that high school statement was shot at them I will concede that I should have worded it a different way. Oh and as for the junkie statement I didn't mean dependency. I just meant that I would need to expand the market for such a product. People who want it don't know me...and I am happy believing that they already have steady/aple supply. Nope never done shrooms. Don't want to.
OK I thought it might be a shot at me b/c I said I used to sell them in high school. No worries. But, if your going to sell something you really should know what it does.