Shrubs Journal, Cindy, Toejam, Big Bud, God's Gift


Well-Known Member
i really appreciate the in depth feeding logs, very informative. do you use tap water? how's the tap where you are, is it well water? i ask because you use cal mag. i use tap water, do i need the extra minerals?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
i really appreciate the in depth feeding logs, very informative. do you use tap water? how's the tap where you are, is it well water? i ask because you use cal mag. i use tap water, do i need the extra minerals?
I have a chlorine/sediment filter... It doesn't come out at 0 ppm anymore, idk, doesn't bother me.
It stays between 20-40 depending how fast i push the water through.. i use cal mag plus because
it also contains trace elements as well...

The tapwater here in boulder is from arapahoe glacier, very clean water :mrgreen:

as for your needs, if you're not seeing deficiences no need to worry bout it


Well-Known Member
Shrubs! wat up dood im sub'd. ive receantly been finding great results with my HN products. i currently use HN honey ES, and HN DEUCE CEUCE 0-0-22. ive before have been using FF-tb, gb, bb, and cha ching, but now using humbodlt nutes i feel my plants r MUCH softer to the touch and happier all around! if u have any advise tips or any other help it would b greatly appriciated



Well-Known Member
im lookin fer advise with the honey ES mainly, the deuce deuce is kinda new so i dont kno if u used it ewr not but i noticed ur using honey ES too. r u soil or h20??

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
im lookin fer advise with the honey ES mainly, the deuce deuce is kinda new so i dont kno if u used it ewr not but i noticed ur using honey ES too. r u soil or h20??
Well, the Humboldt Honey is a carbohydrate source, a very good one. It is
especially necessary in the flowering cycle, because the plant begins using
enormous amounts of carbs, in order to raise brix levels. This begins a competition
between the plant and the living organisms in your media for carbohydrates,
so you want to supply enough for both the plant and the microbes..

The 0-0-22 (duece-duece) is used in HN's 3-Part Organic Line, I'm sure it is great
stuff, although it is definitely meant to be supplementing the rest of their
feeding schedule....

I use HN's Premium 2-Part Master A&B, best nutrient line you can use in hydro/soiless
...along with Canna...

Looking real good. Love your res/ watering system. I did something like that recently as well. Nice grow +rep
Thanks a lot, and yea that reservoir with pump, coiled hose, and waterwand has
saved my back soooo much... Especially with the raised bed system, All I do is
turn on the pump, and it catches the run off in 2 10 gallon buckets underneath
the trays, and i just dump em out, done and done...


Well-Known Member
well im geting the whole trio together but thas wat i found now (stores) not online. and the honey has made a huge difference in my flowering!! but it STINKS!!! hahah like doo doo!!! so u say master a&b with canna?? ok? ill try it out then, y not?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Not together, I'm sayin use one or the other... You can use some of one
and some of the other, but that is a little more of a guessing game, because
you might be having some over lap of ingredients... When you use
HN's line with all the additives you know you are getting proper levels
of everything, same thing when you use Canna's full line, proper levels, its
when you start mixing the 2 lines together you have to really watch what you're


Well-Known Member
YEA! i figured that out a lil bit ago. now i do 2.5ml honey, 2.5ml 0-0-22, 8ml tiger bloom, 5-8ml big bloom & and a drop of superthrive. it werks NICE now (flowering mind u) and ill try to c how the cha ching does with the mix in a week wen on of my girls r 5 weeks along flowering (sativas so im pushin it to 5 i kno ur supposed to use it at 4)

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Thought Id do an update...

Today is Week 8 Day 1, Startin the flush next time they need to be watered...

A quick shot of the lights... 1360 watts of artificial sunshine

I'm so pissed I don't have a more reasonable camera
But I tried my Blackberry Camera this time, and got some decent shots

2 Big Buds

White Widdow

Foreground: White Widdow, Large Center Cola:The Purps

White Widdow, (my twin towers)

Garden shot

So I'll be harvesting earlier than expected, either next week, or I might do 2 weeks
of flush, I find that 1 week is optimal for late growth, and yet still getting 2 good
flushes in before chopping, but 2 weeks might not be out of the question


Well-Known Member
looking great bro! harvest coming soon, i just started my first bloom today! are those t5's or t2's side lighting!

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
4 40 watt T5HO's in Fluval Glo reflectors, they
were pretty spendy....
Glo T5 HO Lighting System - Double - 36" is what they are called

Got em at the local aquarium store, they are a
pretty big deal at the fish store, so I figured with the
right spectrum bulbs they would be great side lighting.


Well-Known Member
t5's baby. hey shrubs, i have an extra two bulb, 2' t5 that isn't being used. i'm gonna throw it in my bloom room for side lighting. you should put as much lighting as you can right?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Definitely as much lighting as you can, maximize...

You will notice if you have too much light, the plant will
bleach out, and turn white... But this won't happen from
adding 60 watts of T5's, it will only help