Shut it the fuck down

Uhh.... their is domestic terrorism happening right now in every city by black and white snot nosed liberal children that think its their right to destroy other people's property while throwing spears made out of sharpened PVC at police.....actual terrorists

Every prosecuted case of domestic terrorism since 2017 has been a right wing white male

Ya know, stuff like massacring synagogues and mailing dozens of bombs to trumps enemy’s list. Actual terrorism

Why don’t you condemn right wing terrorism, which is the only type of actual terrorism?

Spray painting a fence or breaking a window isn’t terrorism, it’s property damage

i dont get why they are pushing so hard to run into this buzzsaw.
They are in the complete thrall of a moron with an IQ of 78, who cannot see, or discounts future consequences. He deployed his goon squad way too early, should have saved them for the election. The base are even stupider than Trump, the GOP politicians are panicking, this is what death looks like when ya drink from the bitter cup of poisoned koolaid, the elephant thrashes around fur awhile before it dies.
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Uhh.... their is domestic terrorism happening right now in every city by black and white snot nosed liberal children that think its their right to destroy other people's property while throwing spears made out of sharpened PVC at police.....actual terrorists
You know what scares me? That Republicans want to ignore CDC's guidelines for re-opening schools:

It is important to consider community transmission risk as schools reopen. Evidence from schools internationally suggests that school re-openings are safe in communities with low SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates. [28] Computer simulations from Europe have suggested that school re-openings may further increase transmission risk in communities where transmission is already high. [29] More research and evaluation is needed on the implementation of mitigation strategies (e.g., social distancing, cloth face coverings, hand hygiene, and use of cohorting) used in schools to determine which strategies are the most effective. Such research would improve understanding of the impact of mitigation strategies on the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in schools, and ongoing monitoring and surveillance of transmission in schools could help with timely outbreak detection and prevent wider spread.

There it is. Evidence from schools internationally suggests that school re-openings are safe in communities with low SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates.

Some states have low SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates. Most don't. They should not re-open. Most definitely, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Arizona should not re-open schools. But they plan to. So, I'm just wondering how do they reconcile their plans with our own health expert's advice?
I’m not a fan of Trump’s or a coronavirus denier, but I have to admit that the “free pass” given to protesters reeks of political favoritism and double standards.

Public gatherings are unsafe unless you have the “correct” political leanings. And you can’t even complain about the double standard because the twitter mob will call you racist and make your life a living hell for having the “incorrect” point of view.
You do understand a protest by definition is not a government sanctioned event right? They are not a political party (unlike the Tea Party).

How did the kook-aid taste?

Uhh.... their is domestic terrorism happening right now in every city by black and white snot nosed liberal children that think its their right to destroy other people's property while throwing spears made out of sharpened PVC at police.....actual terrorists
Lololololol, teachers are not fucking babysitters idk what part everyone doesn't get about that. If you can't watch your own fucking kids, it sounds like you shouldn't of had any! :) :) :) :) :) :)

i feel like it has to do with Jared and the walking can of Goya beans..he made a comment about how wives blah blah and husbands need to be getting back to work. he keyed on 'husbands' which seemed like a direct slam to someone..and who's our FIRST HUSBAND?

our favorite effem:


But on Wednesday, we learned something else that adds to this aura, Wired magazine is reporting.

It is that Jared Kushner is a woman. Or rather, Jared Corey Kushner’s gender is ”female,” according to records held by the New York State Board of Elections, Wired reported.

Where the record lists “gender,” the field says “female.” (On a side note, where the record shows “party affiliation,” it says “None declared.”) The records furthermore show that Jared has been voting as a woman since first registering in 2009; he last voted in the Nov. 8 presidential election.

They are in the complete thrall of a moron with an IQ of 78, who cannot see, or discounts future consequences. He deployed his goon squad way to early, should have saved them for the election. The base are even stupider than Trump, the GOP politicians are panicking, this is what death looks like when ya drink from the bitter cup of poisoned koolaid, the elephant thrashes around fur awhile before it dies.

on that subject he said mayor lightfoot doesn't want us there and that's okay..we still have time.

time for what?

it's not the same old same old to pay attention to, it's the little 'extra' that he has to throw in; that he can't help gives him away every time.
Why don’t you condemn right wing terrorism

I condemn all terrorism. Like the scumbag that shot up the school with all the little kids in Sandy Hook. Scum of the Earth and deserved a slow painful death.
Why cant you condemn the liberal scum of the earth terrorists destroying our country right now
It's because they live in a alternate universe.
What are the demographics of the GOP?
Mostly rural, uneducated fodder for the extremely wealthy & it has been that way since the inception of this country.
But now, they're base is dying off, like literally ( :) ) so those old White boys smoking they're cigars & sipping they're Scotch are all shit out of luck.
Like I have said before, the World has too achieve a balance & that balance is coming very soon, like in November.
For the Republican Party the worst thing that ever happened was Donald j Trump, and personally I'm loving it :)

it's because they're hard wired to sacrifice your children (and animals) to the Gods in order to restore _______________________ and remain in the Gods good graces.

your children are your most coveted; letting them go to school is metaphoric acceptance there is no pandemic- his biggest con of all.

we're going to have some very dark days leading up to november 3rd..and remember..this is him being good to get re-elected.
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on that subject he said mayor lightfoot doesn't want us there and that's okay..we still have time.

time for what?

it's not the same old same old to pay attention to, it's the little 'extra' that he has to throw in; that he can't help gives him away every time.
I looked for a link to find out the context behind that quote and could find nothing.

They are still planning to send federal officers to Chicago. They SAY it's not the same militarized troops of the kind sent to Portland but they ARE sending troops and Ligthtfoot agreed, at least she agreed to it in principle to help Chicago deal with increases in rates of crime.

So, I'd appreciate a link so that I can read the context behind the quote you cited here.
I condemn all terrorism. Like the scumbag that shot up the school with all the little kids in Sandy Hook. Scum of the Earth and deserved a slow painful death.
Why cant you condemn the liberal scum of the earth terrorists destroying our country right now
Uh, yeah.

Now then, about those unsubstantiated claims that we SHOULD send kids back to school.

Why do Republicans want to kill so many people? Are they all terrorists?
You know what scares me? That Republicans want to ignore CDC's guidelines for re-opening schools:

It is important to consider community transmission risk as schools reopen. Evidence from schools internationally suggests that school re-openings are safe in communities with low SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates. [28] Computer simulations from Europe have suggested that school re-openings may further increase transmission risk in communities where transmission is already high. [29] More research and evaluation is needed on the implementation of mitigation strategies (e.g., social distancing, cloth face coverings, hand hygiene, and use of cohorting) used in schools to determine which strategies are the most effective. Such research would improve understanding of the impact of mitigation strategies on the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in schools, and ongoing monitoring and surveillance of transmission in schools could help with timely outbreak detection and prevent wider spread.

There it is. Evidence from schools internationally suggests that school re-openings are safe in communities with low SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates.

Some states have low SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates. Most don't. They should not re-open. Most definitely, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Arizona should not re-open schools. But they plan to. So, I'm just wondering how do they reconcile their plans with our own health expert's advice?
That's exactly what I don't get! How is this fucking moron president able to just forget what the CDC and the WHO say and push on whatever tf he wants to do!
Like where are the checks and balances within this whole thing! It drives me absolutley fucking mad!
You have doctors, virologists, and communicable disease doctors and you just scrub whatever they say????
Like whaaatttt?! Who put this guy in charge lmao
I condemn all terrorism. Like the scumbag that shot up the school with all the little kids in Sandy Hook. Scum of the Earth and deserved a slow painful death.
Why cant you condemn the liberal scum of the earth terrorists destroying our country right now
Are you an actual American? I forget if you have said, all you sock puppets blend together.

Because if you are, wake up man, our country is under attack by the Russian military to get people that talk like you to believe the exact shit you spout. If you are an American it is really important that you understand the attack well enough to truly be pissed off that it is being allowed to be perpetrated on us citizens.

The 'coincidence' that all of our right wing crazies are getting triggered (along with any other American that could be radicalized regardless of their support (or lack thereof) for Dear Leader) to do violence during these protests.

Even if you are a paid troll, if you are American this should matter very much to you, and you should try to help your friends and family understand it instead of propagating it like you have done on this website.
That's exactly what I don't get! How is this fucking moron president able to just forget what the CDC and the WHO say and push on whatever tf he wants to do!
Like where are the checks and balances within this whole thing! It drives me absolutley fucking mad!
You have doctors, virologists, and communicable disease doctors and you just scrub whatever the say????
Like whaaatttt?! Who put this guy in charge lmao
I do not understand either.

But, consider their sources of information: Fox News, Brietbart, Alex Jones, Donald fucking Trump, @RetiredGuerilla , antivaxxers, KKK, radical conservative Christianity, Exxon-Mobil

It's a mixed bag of commercial interests, conspiracy theorists and fascists. Not a fact to be found among the lot. I heard one congressman say that god protects people from coronavirus, so if you are worried about getting the disease pray to god for his salvation. Maybe they don't want facts to interfere with their beliefs?
I condemn all terrorism. Like the scumbag that shot up the school with all the little kids in Sandy Hook. Scum of the Earth and deserved a slow painful death.
Why cant you condemn the liberal scum of the earth terrorists destroying our country right now
So black people shouldn’t be able to protest which is protected under the 1st amendment. But I bet you LOVE that 2nd amendment huh? Last time I checked 1 came before 2. So give up your guns and they will give up protesting.
Well, it's nice to see that Trump has finally recommended that face masks be worn by everyone (still not a Federal mandate) but that's a little too late

Over 4 million confirmed case and 144,304 deaths have been recorded in the United States, according to data attained as of today
As the numbers climb, more than 150 prominent US medical experts, scientists, teachers, nurses and others have signed a letter to political leaders urging them to shut down the country and start over to contain the surging coronavirus pandemic.

"Right now we are on a path to lose more than 200,000 American lives by November 1st. Yet, in many states people can drink in bars, get a haircut, eat inside a restaurant, get a tattoo, get a massage, and do myriad other normal, pleasant, but non-essential activities," the letter said.

School openings are of paramount concern, with good reason, seeing as they really are a driving force in this Nations economic stability, coupled with the ability of parents being able to work & the educational needs of the students.

The resurgence in cases, and likely ongoing presence of the virus, has ignited debate about how to proceed with the new school year.

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced Thursday that the state will delay in-person learning through at least Labor Day as cases break records in the state.

By contrast, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee said his state will introduce a plan to reopen schools Tuesday (Go teach a class motherfucker & die)

"Our kids need to be in school because kids not only academically are suffering, emotionally, mental health.... There are a number of working families who need for their children to be in school so they can continue to work. There's a lot of reasons why schools can be and should be open. So long as we do that in a way that protects teachers and protects students at the same time we believe we can do," Lee said.

New guidance from the CDC is strongly in favor of sending students back to the classroom, saying that available evidence shows that coronavirus does not possess as great a risk to children. With the services and instruction offered in school, the CDC guidance said virtual learning can be a disadvantage to American students.

"It can lead to severe learning loss, and the need for in-person instruction is particularly important for students with heightened behavioral needs," the CDC statement said.

You know what, my wife is a K2 teacher with 27 students all of which have the possibility of contracting/spreading COVID-19 in the existing class room environment , not only to their families/others but too herself and our family.

And one argument the idiots use is that children aren't as badly affected, they recover, but they sure as shit can transmit it

This is bullshit

This is when the government has to accept the fact that life is/never will be the same until a vaccine is developed

Just take some cash from weapons development/the Wall/tax breaks for corporations & extend un-employment for as long as it takes to achieve a vaccine.
Trump & the Republicans never gave a fuck about debt for the last four years & now is not the time too talk shit about how we can't afford it

Most places should have never reopened in US - you're right, this is bullshit. Many were not ready (cases still climbing and no one in masks) and now the problem is so out of control I'm not sure shutting down will even work. It should give much needed relief on the hospital systems - if people actually stay home. Without widespread financial assistance for those not working, people will never accept guidelines and staying home.

That's why the US reopened unprepared..these same people begging to open were the first protestors out in public, and it's hypocritical to talk shit about protestors out now for human rights. "Terrorists" yes, but not "protestors." In my area yesterday the hospitals had 2 ICU beds open. Louder for the back - TWO. Population 150k.. seems like a bad day for a car wreck.

How hard is it to just stay home or wear masks in public if you must go? The US has no type of organized informational system for contact tracing, and clearly no leadership. All we have to keep us safe is us, and what we choose to do..

There is plenty of places that played this right and are enjoying their summers right now with family and friends. Great example, Taiwan. I have a friend there livin her best life.. 100 miles from China. Shut down schools for 2 weeks in February. 24 million people, 450ish cases, 7 deaths. After Sars, they were smart. They made a plan: Command center, stockpiled protective gear, educated people, contact tracing, worked together as a community to stop it in its tracks. Simply put, adequate leadership!

Fun fact: Obama had a pandemic plan where "novel coronaviruses" just like this were flagged for higher concern. "Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents.” Trump disregarded this playbook because.. you know.. "Obama." Trumps pride will always come before the American people. This 69 page book provided the guidance we needed. I guess we can't expect an arrogant leader who doesn't read his morning briefing to read a 69 page National Security Council guidebook, before or during a worldwide pandemic.

Of course schools should be closed, any one who thinks otherwise imo is delusional and underplaying the risk to all adult teachers, counselors, maintenance workers, etc. Not to mention implying that ANY children's lives are apparently considered expendable.

Look around.. how many high risk people are in your life? Do you expect those people to isolate at home for years? Studies have proven over and over that up to 40% of positive cases are asymptomatic. That means those folks were likely walking around living normal lives while infecting grandma, and cousin Susan who has diabetes..

Trump is a lunatic, and if you didn't know it before - he has surely showed you in the handling of this crisis. We are going through times unseen in my 40 years - so while trump has been injecting disinfectant, I've been researching facts & science.

Republicans and ikr. I feel politicians will never do what's right when it comes to financials. They are gonna double down and let many die behind these idiotic ideas and guidance. More than 150 prominent US medical experts, scientists, teachers, nurses, signed a letter urging to shut down again. The problem with that is so many citizens won't stand for it. I see utter chaos in our near future. I hope not, but that's the fork in the road we are headed towards.

If I sound a bit pissed off it's because I am. It's personal and I'm tired of this shit. Let's do what needs to be done, to stop the spread and save lives. Do better:wall:

Sorry for my book:leaf: