yea start fresh so you can have strong ,helthy plants.Thos plants were put hrough way too much stress that early.I would personally would be germing more right now.When i saw mine looking how they were looking .i almose immediately started germing more! and now i put them in the RW las way the growin ill have pics by this weekend or early next week!Dude, I know how you feel, that sucks!! I'm thinking of starting over myself, my plants are going to have a tough time forgiving me after me after my pH mishap! You got enough seeds left?
haha im like a damn seed bank, i got plenty seeds, its just that they were my babiesDude, I know how you feel, that sucks!! I'm thinking of starting over myself, my plants are going to have a tough time forgiving me after me after my pH mishap! You got enough seeds left?
Well stated! +rep.dude why r you wasting his time on his thread to bump your gums peace out fool orkiss-asshe aint growin it for you this is his game let him roll the dice, shit he might like your input but i think its rude man
love that signature homie!if everyone would live by that there would be less arrests!most peepz just dont know thier rights and thats how they get fucked by the FEDS! Fa ReaL.Whats good SICC! I'm here too!
hit up my new thread in my sig my nig hahalove that signature homie!if everyone would live by that there would be less arrests!most peepz just dont know thier rights and thats how they get fucked by the FEDS! Fa ReaL.