Sick outdoor plant please help


Well-Known Member
Last couple days I've noticed my plant starting to turn yellow in a section of the plant . There's no dropping and I know it's natural for the plants to start n turn yellow this time of year , but this is a large section that's getting sick . I have no idea what could cause this . Please help with any suggestions that might fix the problem . I soaked the guy this morning hoping to flush it out . I also used a root fungicide . I switched over from 15-5-5 to bone meal n sugar . Perhaps it needs nitrogen ?



Well-Known Member
Check the health of the branches under that section... if it's looking dry, woody, yellowish/ brownish-- its dying, you won't be able to revive that section in any case-- I would remove it...

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Well-Known Member
The last time I saw a section of plant die off like that it was at Nuggs and it was Russett Mites. :( Could be something messing with the roots too though.. Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
I've been spraying very heavily for Russit mites all season . I was thinking it was a root problem but not sure . The under growth of the plant died off first very fast . The leafs turn brown quickly n the top of the branch leafs are yellow . I used hydrogaurd for the roots hoping that could help and a fungicide . Any suggestions ? I water very heavy to try n flush .