sick plant need help guys

Hey wassup fellow cannisuers I have a sick plant and need some help from you guys on what it may be and how to fix it. So I'm growing feminized grape kush by moxie seeds and extracts. She's about 3 weeks old and is feeding on the flora series hydro solution. Dwc system and t5 lighting. I thought it was a nute burn so I have been flushing her for 7days now but she seems to be getting worse opposed to better. Any help is appreciated



Well-Known Member
Looks nitrogen deficiency to me. Maybe some other trace elements but its kinda hard to tell.


Well-Known Member
Wat symptoms r u seeing other than the yellowing of leaves beginning at the bottom sets indicating more nitro is needed. But any thing else?
I noticed the tips clawing down which made me think it was toxic at first but yea the leaves are real funky lookin and growth has slowed as well


Well-Known Member
Hey wassup fellow cannisuers I have a sick plant and need some help from you guys on what it may be and how to fix it. So I'm growing feminized grape kush by moxie seeds and extracts. She's about 3 weeks old and is feeding on the flora series hydro solution. Dwc system and t5 lighting. I thought it was a nute burn so I have been flushing her for 7days now but she seems to be getting worse opposed to better. Any help is appreciated
Looks ok cheak ur ph and what do the roots look like


Well-Known Member
It definitely doesnt look burn to me. Im a soil/soiless guy but based on wat i see. It just looks like its getting light on food.

I would agree, check ur ph and roots. The claw doea normally indicate too much nitro, amd overwatering in soi, not sure hpw overwatering could occur in hydro.
No over watering in the dwc system but I definitely agree tho she look hungry I really appreciate it guys. I've never had such a fussy plant this early on so I kinda freaked out when I started flushing but the claw persisted u know? I'm gonna up the nitrogen and jeep everything else pretty steady and Se how she looksb in a week
No over watering in the dwc system but I definitely agree tho she look hungry I really appreciate it guys. I've never had such a fussy plant this early on so I kinda freaked out when I started flushing but the claw persisted u know? I'm gonna up the nitrogen and keep everything else pretty steady and Se how she looksb in a week


Well-Known Member
All i do is lower the ph to 6.0 and watch the roots feed the poor girl never remove nutes till end of flower


Active Member
How long have you been flushing? Have you given her any roots during that time?

How do the roots look? Bright and white and fuzzy?
All i do is lower the ph to 6.0 and watch the roots feed the poor girl never remove nutes till end of flower
Thanks bud I'm still trying to get the hang of topping off a res I've been just swapping fresh nutes every 7days and it works fine but is a major hassle