sick plants 6.5 weeks flowering

Hi, I have a closet grow with four plants and 2 of them seem to be having problems. I have 2 cheese and 2 northern lights and it's the northern lights i seem to be having problems with.The leaves around the top buds seem to be turning yellow, worse on the two biggest buds but i can just about see it spreading to the other smaller ones. I have done a search and found a few things this could be but im still not too sure and really wouldn't want to make them any worse. i'm currently using a 250watt hps about 10inches away from the growing tips. i water all the plants around every 5-6 days or whenever needed and have used biobloom with every water. they each get around 1.7 litre's or until flowing out the bottom of the pot. each pot is 15ltr. i run an extractor with filter and this seems to keep the temps down pretty well. The ph of the water with nutes is around 6.8. Runoff is also 6.8. I really have no clue how to fix this, so whatever advice you can give me will be very much appreciated. Thankyou.

I noticed that all the yellowing leaves are in the middle of the cupboard, thinking this could be a lighting issue?? I forgot to mention that they all have their own having trouble uploading pics at the mo but have links to them.


Well-Known Member
Hey man relax! Plant's cycle is as it die's it has certain thing's that happen and one is the leaves change color fall off if it's been flushed then some cool colors enjoy and try to relax! You don't want the ladie's upset! Looking good my brother!