** Sick Plants - Detailed Description - Pictures **


Well-Known Member
dont give seedlings nutes! and dont overwater, i cant stress that enough, esp for seedlings


Well-Known Member
Bigdaddy yeah I thought I was doing alright on watering... I think it was just the lights being too close. I have been trying to water as little as I thought. I jsut watered them today since I was talk not to water. A good couple of days, 5 or so. One of them looks like they might be perking back up a tad. Maybe some new growth and the other one doesnt look like anyhting changed, hopefully it will show new growth.

Hippieman I agree with you I want to start over, but no more seeds. It was a side fun hobby project that if it didnt work it was a no go, but if it did awesome... I will do whatever I can to try to make these babies come back to life, its all a fun project to me.

Uberpea, I have not given my plants any nutes nor did I plant to until I was ready to flower. I was just wondering if my soil might have had them it it, the econd back of organic.


Active Member
toxic soil,transplant immediately with better draining soil and put coal in the bottom of ya pots,soaks up excess salts from your fertilizer,keeps soil nice and sweet mun!(proven trick from down under)


Active Member
Looks like there to small to be feeding food. just use water till there about 8 inches tall. Then start with a mild food. If using General Hydroponics food. Start with 1/2 table spn Micro + 1/2 table spn grow per 1 gallon of water and make sure to check PH 1st. Try and keep Ph under 7.


Well-Known Member
ausbud: What kind of coal would I even use? My drainage is pretty good I believe. It drains pretty fast when I water.

GerryWanna: I never fed my plants any food, I was just saying that I thought that my soil has some in it... The other soils I have looked at all have the similar traits, nothing that is even or none. Unless it is the seedling soil I have. Something is stunting them and slowing them down and I am trying to figure out what it is becuase my plants are just as small as they were 3 weeks ago :(