Sick Plants First time coco

nah, quite confident what i have said is reasonable advice just lookin for the opinion of a more experienced coco grower thats all, no need to be shitty, we are british after all
lol my bad. I must have come the politics section before and got myself riled up. :)
I got a few plants that I got off a mate that were started in soil and went straight into 100% coco . Didn't effect the growing. But did notice a Little burn on tip of leaves. But after a week with canna coco a+b you wouldn't even know. I pretty sure the problems with these plants are from mites and caterpillars. I had both at one stage. The mites are controllable but the caterpillars I had ate into the middle of the buds from top to bottom of the kholas and all was left was dead hollow bud.the mites seem to attack when you get a deficiency. You should use nutes that are well known so that alot of people can chime in and help. When you get better at growing with coco you will find that it's basically hydroponics . I do half my room with coco and the other with rdwc and a couple tote tank bubbleponics. Nothing is a perfect world I go 5.5 - 6.5 ph . I set it at 5.8 - 6.2 . Most of the week it sits at a perfect 6.0 ph but drops down to 5.8 . When I was a Newby grower many moons ago I didn't even ph the water when using a+b coco nutes and the plants still loved it. What about your grow environment ? . If you got pm get some h202. Dunk the plant in this solution with water . Wrap a bag around your coco so it don't spill every where.ive been down this path before it's a easy fix. Will make you a better grower trust me
Hello and thanks for all the replys, ill try get better pics today , i honestly think ur mistaking the PM. I might be wrong here but i dpont see any :d i think my plants are looking a bit better and ive certainly noticed ned growth so im not too worried, got my ph calibrating solutions so gonna give em a feed with reccomended dose and a a ph of 6.0 , ec pen is broke apparantelly so ive been giving id say around 2 2.5 ec , and they only got some minor burns so i dont think the reccomended will be too rough for em + Ob is real good with nuts
You need a friend to step in to help you? It looks like he barely has any perlite in his pots, so there could be shitty drainage going on causing root rot. I'm not saying you do 6.5-7.0 in 95% coco media. I'm saying that there are issues with having soil in coco and ph'ing to 5.8. The soil could cause damage, so could proper drainage, so could overfeeding, so could only having your ph @ 5.8 the entire time in coco. Yes, the soils amendments could be gone NOW, but maybe not when the problems started.
im poretty sure they are gone , theyve been in the coco quite a while now